Early Childhood News
(Pre-Kindy to Year 2)
Early Childhood News
(Pre-Kindy to Year 2)
Educating children on basic first aid techniques allows them to confidently respond in an emergency situation and can potentially safe lives.
For young children it is important to teach the basics of safety awareness and how to alert an adult in case of an emergency. They should know to look for dangers and how to protect themselves if an emergency does occur.
It is also crucial that children know their address, parent/caregivers full names and their mobile number as this knowledge could be invaluable in an emergency. Regular conversations with children about who to call if they don’t get a response from an adult (000), how to unlock the door in an emergency and checking to see they know their personal details are all important.
It is also important to check that they know how to call 000 and ask for police, fire, or ambulance. At home, post emergency numbers in a communal location and explain when to call each number. Even young children can be taught how and when to call for emergency assistance.