The Arts

Performing & Visual Arts

Instrumental Music

On Thursday evening, 31 October, instrumental music students performed for parents, teachers and friends at the Spring Music Recital.  After dedicated preparation and practice, students presented a variety of repertoire, including jazz, classical, musical theatre and contemporary music on a variety of musical instruments.  It is always rewarding to see the Academy community come together to share the beauty of music and this event was no exception.  


It is also lovely to witness instrumental students taking this opportunity to perform in the Chapel, Drama Studio and Hall for a live audience on occasions such as this.  Thank you to all specialist Instrumental Music Teachers and to the skilled piano accompanists for their expertise, support and encouragement of the student performers. 


If you would like to enroll in instrumental lessons in 2025, please use the QR code to compete the online application and email for all enquiries.

Ms Mirelle Morris 

Instrumental Music Coordinator