
Positive Behaviours for Learning

At SFS, our PBL (Positive behaviours for learning) school wide expectations are:




Responsibility and 



This week the teachers and students continued to focus on KINDNESS outdoors, use appropriate language, with a particular focus on not using racist comments.





Here are some of our lucky raffle winners from last week who has been demonstrating our schoolwide expected behaviours.


Student Representative Council Term 4 

This week, the students talked about ways that we can spread kindness around SFS. The children worked in small groups to make posters and good deed sheets to display in each learning space. They will continue to hand out kindness cards to other children to encourage random acts of kindness and will ask the children to “pay it forward”. The SRC have also asked teachers to keep a tally of how many children use kind words and actions at school. There will be a whole class award for the Home group that shows the most kindness. 

Creating routines to help support your child’s mental health

The following information is taken from the “Emerging Minds Family” resource. It explains the importance of having routines at home for your children.


Routines are the way we generally do things in a day or a week – like leaving for school at the same time each weekday, going to swimming lessons on Thursday afternoons, or reading two stories together every night before bed. Some families call them rituals or rhythms.
Family routines and rituals support children’s mental health, plus they’re good for the wellbeing of everyone in the family.
This resource was developed to support families in thinking about their routines to help children feel secure, reduce stress and find time for connection and fun
“Structure and routine is really important for a child. They create a sense of “I know what’s going to happen here and when I know, I feel safer and calmer and when I’m feeling safe and calm my brain can learn and I can explore the world around me.”’
– Ben Rogers, practitioner



For more information, watch the following video 





Or visit https://emergingminds.com.au/resources/routines-creating-family-routines-to-support-childrens-mental-health/?audience=practitioner


The following questions might help you think about your family routines.


– What activities do you and your child like doing together?

 – What do you find is the best day/time to do things with them?

 – What routines or family rituals do you already have? 

– If something has upset your child’s routines or meant they’ve had to stop an activity they enjoy, how has that affected them? 

– Is there someone or something that could help keep up or re-establish your child’s routines and activities? 

– Are there any new routines or family traditions that you would like to try to introduce?


Free Professional Development and Voucher opportunities

Supporting Resilience in Children Event: Free PD for parents/carers

Free Event- Join us for food and coffee to hear from

• Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, one of Australia’s most prominent children and adolescent psychologists

• Rosie Thomas OAM – Project Rockit


This event will provide:

• Expert insights on online resilience

• Tips for promoting healthy social interactions

• Interactive discussions and Q&A

Open to families as well as practitioners to attend. 


Event details Date: Wednesday 27th November 2024 

Time: 5.30 pm - 7.00 pm 

Where: Cranbourne West Community Hub 4 Flicka Blvd, Cranbourne West VIC 3977 Plenty of parking onsite Register: 

Scan the QR code or visit https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/104 7247574687


Get Active Kids Voucher program

The Get Active Kids Voucher program helps eligible families get their kids involved in organised sports and recreation activities by reimbursing the cost of membership and registration fees, uniforms and equipment.


Eligible families with a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card can apply for vouchers of up to $200 each per child, per round. Get in quick to get your voucher before they run out. Learn more about the vouchers and share the promo pack with your school/OSHC community


Active November Competition

City of Casey – “Active November” 2024 Competition Families, you are invited to participate in Active November and enter the competition draw. There are $50.00 Gift Cards to win! All families need to do is try walking, riding or scooting to/from school or try ‘park and walk’ – park a few blocks from the school and walk the rest of the way.


 All winners will be randomly drawn 3/12/2024 and notified by details given on the Entry Form. All T&C located Safe Around Schools | Casey Conversations The competition runs from Monday 28 October to Friday 29 November for school-related hours only. The more times you park and walk, or walk, ride or scoot over the month, the more times you can enter! Look up our short animation (search YouTube Casey Safer Communities) for tips to incorporate Active Travel into your week. Remember, with active travel ‘part the way is ok’ and it doesn’t have to be every day! Look out for one of these posters in your local area (Hint: Reserves and Parks are great ‘park and walk’ locations!) Once you find the poster, scan the QR Code and complete the short Entry Form to enter.


If you have any concerns about the mental health or wellbeing of your child, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available to speak to at school, via the phone or email on rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au


Rachel Lenko

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader


Positive quote of the day