From the Principal

Welcome to IPS 

2024 School Councillors


Welcome to our new and returning school councillors. As the number of nominations equalled the number of vacancies this is no need for an election. We are very much looking forward to working with the following parents and Department of Education personnel:


Jing Ren Wu, Anton Wolmarans, Justine Convery, Mehran Ahmadi, Hamish Wood, 

Paul Morland, Adrian Biasi, Dan McLaughlan, Joanne O’Hara, Michelle Tieman.

Department of Education Personnel

Mark Kent, Pam Wright, Nick King, Marie Morrow, Miranda Stott

Welcome Picnic

Over the past few weeks we've welcomed back our returning and new students. It has been such a pleasure to see friends reunite and new friendships form.  I'm always pleased to see students settling into school life, learning to be resilient and independent, but what has struck me this week as I've been out and about on the school yard,  is how confident our students are and also the kindness they are showing towards each other.    


Children first learn such values from their parents and families through role modelling and this was very much in evidence at our community event last Friday evening where we had the chance to welcome new and returning families.    


With many thanks to the PFA (Parents and Friends Association) for organising the event, we hosted a wonderful evening. The weather was perfect. It was a typical Melbourne long, warm summer evening. The oval was strewn with picnic rugs, overflowing with food and groups of friends chatting, relaxing and enjoying the background music. Children enjoying the freedom to play and occasionally darting across a rug to grab a treat. 


We also had a surprise act take to the stage. Sorry Swifties, it wasn't your favourite but perhaps in a few years time, you might be queuing for tickets to see this talented group of students. Mrs Morrow guided them to a great performance to much applause from the audience.


Thank you to all who attended and huge thanks to those who helped pack away at the end of the evening.


Welcome everyone to the Ivanhoe Primary School Community!

Peer Leaders

Our Peer Leaders will be presented with their badges at assembly on Monday.  You are most welcome to attend. 


Our 2024 Peer Leaders are:

Ride to School


This year we are continuing to encourage active ways to travel to and from school through our Ride2School initiative. All classes across the school will collect data weekly on how many students walked or rode to school. At assembly, the class with highest percentage from the previous week will receive the honorary 'Golden Shoe'! 


At IPS this year we are also celebrating National Ride2School day on Friday March 22nd.


Looking forward to seeing our community encouraging active ways to travel in 2024! 

Year 6 Uniforms


Due to issues that have surfaced in the production of Grade 6 polo tops, Noone have kindly agreed to replace all student polos at no extra cost. 


Please note that the production of these polos won’t be able to commence until the end of February. Thank you for your patience.


Meet the Teacher

Meet the Teacher Interviews will be in the week beginning the 19th  February - bookings will open on Thursday 8th of February on COMPASS and will close at 4pm Friday 16th  of February.


Meetings will take place either using Webex or via phone and teachers will be in contact with you to make arrangements after you have made an appointment.


Teachers will be available at various times during the week. You will be able to book your preferred 10-minute timeslot on COMPASS. COMPASS will walk you through the booking process but if you have any questions or issues, please don't hesitate to contact our school administration on 9499 1880.

(Note: bookings will open on Thursday 8th of February)


Should you wish to meet with your child’s teacher (including specialists) in person please send them a message via Class Dojo or email them directly allowing at least a week’s notice.


Should you wish for us to arrange an interpreter to be available for your meeting please contact the school office at least 48 hours before your meeting time.




Parents of students in year 3 and year 5 will have received an information brochure about this year's NAPLAN tests.  The same brochure can be accessed from the link above.


We will continue to communicate with you about NAPLAN over the next few weeks with more information on the tests, the timings and support.  


Please call the school office if you'd like to discuss any NAPLAN related queries.

Volunteers and Parent/Family Helpers

Last week teachers sent home information on how you can support your child’s learning and how you can be involved in our school.  Both teachers and students value the support you can provide.  Don't forget to return the form letting us know  if and how you'd like to or get involved in the school program.  

Second-hand uniform  shop (Re-use Recycle)

The Ivanhoe Primary School Second-hand uniform shop provides an opportunity for families to buy quality second-hand uniform, bags, drink bottles, library bags and smocks for a reasonable cost. The second-hand uniform sales are held throughout the year. Please contact our office staff for any purchases. We accept cash only.


Second hand uniform shop also provides an opportunity for families to donate these things which they no longer require. Please donate clean uniforms, bags, drink bottles, library bags, smocks that you would be happy to buy yourself. 


Prices of items are as follows:

Long Sleeve Polo Fleece Jackets -$5

School Bags - $5 

All other items e.g. school t-shirts and shorts, library bags, drink bottles, art smocks are $3 each.


We rely on parent volunteers who help us tidy up the Second hand shop. Please feel free to contact our office staff if you wish to volunteer for the Second hand  shop.


Another important skill to teach children is road safety.  Again, families play a most important part in role modelling how to be safe when crossing the road.  Yvonne, is the  crossing supervisor at the front of the school on Waterdale Road.  She is there to ensure the safety of our students when crossing this busy road.  Remember, your children learn from you, so please help teach your children to listen to instructions and follow the rules when crossing the road. 


One final chance to read the book that Ross R created on sun safety!


Have a safe and happy week.


Pam Wright



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