
Sunday 17th saw our last clinic at College, with Fiona Normand coming to close out the year. The weather was superb and whilst we had only one college rider, we received great support from the local equestrian community who we often share our facilities and clinics with. Fiona commented on the fantastic progression of all riders she has come to know over the course of the year, and is keen to continue her coaching at College in 2024.


Preparations for clinics in 2024 are already underway with Andrea Reidel Carrison being confirmed for Sunday February 25th and June 23rd. Andrea is an EA Level 1 General Coach and a Skill-Specific Trainer/Assessor (SSTA) based in Mount Gambier, South Australia. Her lessons are always entertaining with significant skill development from all who attend. We look to ask Adam Wooten to return again in 2024 and are currently in the process of locking in dates with him.


Equestrian Victoria have announced the dates for the Interschool Equestrian Championships, April 6-10 at Werribee Park. If you intend on entering, please ensure that you let me know so that we can keep a record of all who attend as well as offer you the support you need in your endeavours. Horsemanship Co-Captains Juliette Wallingford and Muirne Reily are experienced campaigners and will be able to answer any questions you may have if you have never attended before. More information about the event can be found at Coming Soon | 2024 Interschool Victoria State Championships (isvchamps.org.au)


A big thank you to outgoing captain Bella Chow for her leadership and support this year. Despite not having her horse at College, Bella still attended all events and assisted at the Equestrian Centre whenever she was asked, showing all the riders just what teamwork looks like. 


In happy news, our new school horse 'Peanut' arrived last week and is being cared for over the holidays by Mrs Archer. Peanut comes in to replace Dusty, who decided that the riding school life just wasn't for him, so has returned to his original owners. Peanut is a lovely 15hh 12-year-old chestnut quarter horse mare with a number of years of experience teaching competent beginners how to ride. She will join Patch, Mounty, and Kasey in the team, offering lessons to riders of all stages. 


Finally, Charlie Hiscock set off on his China adventure with the Pony Club International Exchange last week. He has been keeping all updated on Facebook and it looks like he has had an amazing opportunity to ride some lovely and interesting horses. If you would like to keep up with all the Equestrian news over the holidays, hop on to our Equestrian College Facebook page at



We'd love to share your riding success or event opportunities with our community so like our page and drop us a line so that we can share them for you.


Wishing everyone a safe and happy horsey holiday, and a very Merry Christmas!