From the Principal 

- Mr Michael Horne

Congratulations to our Year 12 cohort of 2023 who received their results on Monday last week. This group worked consistently throughout the year and now look forward to the opportunities that their results have secured them. Among the highlights for this year’s Year 12s were:

  • The Dux of the College Catherine Richardson receiving an ATAR of 95.2, and the Proxime Accessit Alec Watson receiving 94.8.
  • 15% of the cohort receiving an ATAR above 90
  • 38% of the cohort receiving an ATAR above 80

These numbers only really matter for what they facilitate – assisting with entry to whatever course or role the student seeks. Our hope is that as our students move beyond the gates for the final time they take with them a helpful set of results, but more importantly that they take optimism, good humour, humility, and a drive to help others. These are the results that we are really concerned with. 


This year has been a significant one in the life of our school – a new property in the Grampians, a new principal, and a set of new and re-established programs all designed to stretch and engage student minds. As we reflect on this year and on our hopes for the bright future of the College, I hope that all College families have a restful and blessed Christmas. Whatever the period has in store for you and your loved ones, I wish you a fabulous holiday break and I look forward to welcoming boarders back on the afternoon of Tuesday 30 January, and all students back on Wednesday 31 January.