Principal's Message
Term 4 Week 11
Principal's Message
Term 4 Week 11
Huge thank you to Nick McGowan a local member of the Victorian Legislative Council representing the North-Eastern Metropolitan area since November 2022. He has supported us to reinstate the award. Nick who has spent extensive time working in communities overseas and in Australia is passionate about making a difference.
Congratulations to Ben O in 5/6D who constantly strives to be the best that he can be. He displays a love for learning and values every opportunity to grow and develop his skills, both inside and outside of the classroom. Ben is always reliable and is dedicated to fulfilling the roles and responsibilities expected of him in his leadership role, often showing initiative to take on more responsibilities if needed. Ben is always kind and displays a wonderful, and sometimes cheeky, sense of humour. These qualities make him a valued friend and leader to all students at Mount Pleasant Road Primary School.
As a member of the Leadership Centre Ben is polite and kind to students and staff alike and is a great role model to the younger students in the school. He collaborates excellently with students in his class and others across the Centre, and he ensures that all members in the group have the opportunity to be heard. In addition, Ben has been an excellent role model in his time as house captain.
Ben is an amazingly creative user of technology and designs and creates many games in coding. He also loves to challenge himself during mathematics sessions and is able to make considered reflections about his progress when learning new concepts. Ben is self-motivated and eager to improve his skills, demonstrating that he is a life-long learner.
He has shown his dedication and leadership when assisting in running the many sports events at our school and was a great help during Bike Education. It has been an absolute pleasure to see him grow in confidence over the past year and become such an important member of 5/6D and MPRPS.
Congratulations to Johanna C of 3/4RB who is
a conscientious and considerate student who embraces all learning opportunities with gusto. She is eager to take on new challenges and seeks feedback from her peers and teachers in order to extend her thinking. Johanna consistently tries her best in order to work towards achieving her learning goals.
Johanna displays zest in the classroom by coming to school with a smile on their face and approaches all learning tasks with a positive growth mindset. She shows the school value of respect by listening attentively to others, celebrates other students' accomplishments, is polite and displays good manners in and outside of the classroom. Johanna is caring towards others and demonstrates the character strengths of creativity, perseverance and gratitude. She is a friendly and popular member of her cohort because she works cooperatively with others, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued. Johanna is always willing to help others and goes out of their way to make their peers feel comfortable when participating in group work. She is a highly valued member of the Independence Centre and can be seen helping other students by offering her support and advice, inspiring others to be the best that they can be.
Congratulations to Radin F of 1/2 SM
who is hardworking and thoughtful embracing all learning opportunities with enthusiasm. He consistently strives to achieve his personal best by seeking feedback to improve his work and by challenging himself to achieve new learning goals. Radin works exceptionally well both independently and with others. He displays a love of learning in the way he shares his knowledge and wonderful ideas with the class. Radin always displays a positive attitude which reflects through to everyone around him.
He is an excellent friend and peer. Radin is always looking out for others and shows empathy to those around him both in the classroom and in the playground. He shows the school value of integrity by always doing the right thing even when no one is looking. Radin is caring and attentive in all interactions with all students and staff across the school. He is mature beyond his years displaying respect and using polite manners at all times.
Radin always starts the day with bright optimism, ready for anything that the day may bring. He inspires others to be the best they can be. Radin consistently uses his character strengths of curiosity, kindness and humility in the way he engages and participates in all school activities. Radin is a deserving recipient of the Aussie of the Month award because of his strong work ethic, caring nature and outstanding attitude. He is a role model for his peers due to his quiet and humble leadership skills. Radin has worked hard to improve in all areas of learning across the curriculum often spending extra time working on ways to improve his work. He never gives up and is willing to give anything a go including being a Principal for a Day!
Our three day step-up program commenced on Wednesday with many students excited and eager to find out which class they will be in for 2024. The first day saw teachers planning activities focusing on students getting to know one another. There were many other exciting and engaging sessions including students going to specialist lessons as well as our Yeae 6s going on the tennis excursion. Our step-up program is an important one as it can alleviate any anxieties and worries that students might have around this time and to ensure that they are prepared for a settled start in 2024. We thank the teachers for their commitment to this program to ensure it was a success for all students.
As you may have seen the removal of the old building wing is well under way. The builders are aiming to have the entire building cleared before Christmas in readiness for the start of the new building in January. This is an exciting time for our school. Yes, we will need to wait 12 months but it will all be worth it in the end!
What is happening with the displays in Reception! After much anticipation our wonderful vision display was unveiled to the school public. This has been months in the making with student, parent and teacher voice and involvement all along the way. A particular thank you must go to Jamal and Mais for bringing this vision to life! The final display and layout was presented to School Council at the last meeting and the response was very positive. We will begin to distribute other posters to classes in early 2024 to assist in communicating our vision and allowing for purposeful class discussions in the future. Make sure you check the display out in the reception area
Congratulations to all the students that applied and presented their speeches for School Captain and SRC Presidents. To have 16 students apply shows the high regard that students hold the leadership positions. Students voted to shortlist and then interviews were conducted with the current leaders. Congratulations to our School Captains for 2024 Wendy W and Oscar S and the SRC Presidents Ava M and Saumya V. A huge thank you to our candidates that missed out but they will have opportunities for leadership next year.
Last Tuesday the Year 6's celebrated graduating from primary school. This was a wonderful occasion and opportunity to look back and reminisce on the many school memories that will last a life time. The ceremony included students introducing each other on stage where they then received a certificate and pen, School Council President and Principal speeches, the past school captains (Sophie and Ryan) providing words of wisdom from their experiences, the Senior Choir performing as well as Memories of Primary School speeches from our current school leaders. A highlight of the night was also the Year 6 performance and Memory Lane, a video compilation looking back throughout the years.
Student awards were also presented on the night:
Deakin Awards
Academic Award: Alan G
Community Services Award: Emily C
The Arts: Ivy H
Bert Sloane Youth Achievement Award (Rotary): Tanaka M
Sports Excellence Award: Ava M
The Maria Vanderwerf Excellence in English Award: Michelle E
The Moore Award: Ann-Maria B
Principal's Recognition Award Kaitlyn S
We thank everyone for making this night such a memorable one and wish the families that are leaving us at MPRPS all the best for the future and thank them for their past support.
The final assembly will be held at 1:00pm on Wednesday in the hall. At this assembly we will be farewelling the Year 6's. It is a tradition at MPRPS for the Year 6's to run through their banner. Parents and family members are most welcome to attend this assembly.