Learning and Curriculum - Stage 3

Year 5 students burst through the gates on Wednesday last week, ready to embark on their SPC journey. Year 6 followed on Thursday with bustling energy in the playground, corridors, and their classrooms. With high expectations set, newly created structures explained, all students have many opportunities and challenges to tackle in the year ahead.


Of course, every academic year is only possible through the hard work, commitment and diligence of all staff committed to deliver high quality teaching and learning for all students. We are fortunate to have appropriate structures and processes in place for all students to thrive and reach their full potential. Therefore, trust and open and clear communication channels will allow enduring and authentic home and school partnerships. On behalf of all staff that work with your son/s, we are excited for the growth ahead for them in all school domains. To allow for a common and shared understanding of the running and inner workings of Stage 3, please take note of the following:


Year 5 Parent Information Evening

Given the parent information session held on the first day of term, all Year 5 parents and carers are invited to their son’s classroom between 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM on Monday 19 February to attend a class information session. 


Year 6 Information Night and open classrooms

All Year 6 parents and carers are invited to attend an information session between 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM on Monday 19 February. The evening will begin in the College Hall with all families before parents/carers are invited to move off to their son’s class to meet his teacher.


The information sessions are an opportunity for parents and carers to meet their son’s teacher and familiarise themselves with the running of their son’s class, and as such, students are not required to attend.


Sarah Tatola                                                                                        Daniel Fields

Head of Teaching and Learning (Stage 3)                              Head of Curriculum (Stage 3)

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