
Years 5 to 12 Assessment Information for 2024
Over the next week or so, the Years 5 to 11 Assessment Handbooks and the Year 12 Assessment Tasks Calendar for 2024 will be available on the relevant CANVAS Year pages and the TASS Parent Lounge. Year 12 received their handbook at the start of fourth term last year.
Each Assessment Handbook covers the course assessment program in all courses for the academic year. Included in each Assessment Handbook is the College’s Assessment Policy, Assessment Schedules (or Plans) and Assessment Tasks Calendar. Also, on CANVAS are the Examination Rules for Years 9 to 12.
The handbooks serve as official notification for all assessment tasks for the entire year. Additional specific course and/or assessment task requirements may be issued by individual teachers and Heads of Department as deemed appropriate to the nature of the task.
It is expected that all students would familiarise themselves with this information in order to plan and organise an effective study regime that will assist them in achieving their academic potential. The College has put together a thorough assessment program that will provide opportunities to excel in a variety of assessment tasks.
Despite the College’s best intention, it is possible as with any large assessment program, that changes may occur. Any change, if it does occur, is expected to be minor and ample forward notice will be given to the relevant students.
It is important to note that the College’s assessment policies and procedures are drawn up in accordance with those of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) and have the clear intention of being considerate and just to all students and their teachers.
Essentially, these policies and procedures ensure a level playing field and ensure justice to the great majority of students who consistently do the right thing by:
- applying themselves with diligence to all set tasks
- thoroughly familiarising themselves with the academic expectations of the College
- submitting their own work by the specified due date
- providing advanced notice, where possible, of absence for an assessment task
- providing appropriate medical documentation to the relevant Head of Department immediately on return to school when absent for an assessment task or when work is not submitted on the due date
- discussing the result of a task, with the relevant teacher, at the time the task is returned.
Students who are absent on the day an assessment task is due or to be completed, can expect to submit the task, or complete it on the day of their return to school.
Ignorance does not constitute a reasonable or valid excuse to breach any of these basic common-sense procedures and will invariably result in a penalty or a zero mark being given.
I urge parents and carers to read with their sons all the relevant assessment information issued by the College. It is through its assessment policies and procedures, along with good teaching and wellbeing practices, that the College can set and maintain its high academic standards. The College’s consistent excellent results in all external tests and examinations, such as NAPLAN and the Higher School Certificate, are testimony to this fact.
Michael Cutrupi
Director of Curriculum
Diverse Learning 2024
In Diverse Learning, our purpose is to ensure that all students with additional learning needs are known and supported to meet and, ideally, exceed their potential.
For 2024, I am pleased to advise that our dedicated, specialised teachers have been allocated as follows:
Learning Support
- Stage 3: Meagan Compton
- Stage 4: Karen Spires
- Stage 5: Victoria Klados
- Stage 6: Maryanne Roberts
The Learning Support teacher’s role at St. Patrick’s College is to:
- gather, collate, analyse, and review student data, creating Personalised Learning Plans (PLPs)
- consult, mentor and coach students with additional learning needs
- track student progress on set goals as identified in PLPs
- work with teachers in classes to uncover what students can do
- assist teachers to make adjustments to their practice and tailor learning for student needs
- liaise with other learning specialists, parents and teachers
Learning Support Officers are also focusing on specific stages this year, while continuing to work where the greatest needs are:
- Stage 3: Laurel Coorey
- Stage 4: Elma-Mary Dib, Remy Robertson
- Stage 5: Jacinta Moses, Dianne Khoury
- Stage 6: Lenny Tanuwidjaja, William Halloran
Learning Enrichment
This year we are seeking to build on the initiatives of 2023 in our school-wide Learning Enrichment Program.
The team consists of:
- Coordinator - Katherine Sinadinos
- Specialists - Heidi Viney and Alison Mazoudier
Learning Enrichment specialists similarly collaborate with students, teachers, parents/carers, and other specialists to cater for gifted and high potential learners across Years 5 to 12. This work involves analysing data to create student profiles and learning plans, as well as team teaching, advising, and mentoring teachers on how to cater for their students' learning needs. We also offer strategies around effectively working in partnership with families to maximise learning opportunities for students at school and at home.
The Diverse Learning Team is a large and accomplished team with a pivotal role in learning and wellbeing in the school. We are situated in the Dynes Learning Centre (DLC) above the Senior McGlade Library where we provide spaces for quiet, independent study and time-out, as well as collaborative learning spaces.
We are excited by the year ahead and the opportunity to effectively impact student learning.
If you have questions or concerns about your sons’ learning, please contact the appropriate Diverse Learning Team member, your son’s subject teacher, and/or me, Amanda Metua, Head of Diverse Learning.
Amanda Metua
Head of Diverse Learning