Senior School

Year 10 Education Careers Program
As the College's Careers Advisor, I'm excited to begin working with Year 10 students this year. It's a privilege to have the opportunity to get to know them and support them as they embark on a journey of exploring their future pathways and making important subject choices for the coming year.
Our Year 10 Careers Program is tailored to help students start thinking about their plans after secondary education.
Through a variety of initiatives, we aim to assist them in:
- Identifying their interests and skills
- Learning how to research different career options
- Understanding the evolving landscape of the job market
- Developing essential employability skills and applying them in real-world scenarios
- Creating a Pathways Plan
- Building resumes and honing interview skills
The Year 10 Careers Program encompasses the following initiatives:
- Career education lessons will kick off towards the end of this term. During these sessions, students will be provided with a range of resources to support their decision-making process regarding subject selection, courses, career paths, and more.
- Students will be provided with information and guidance for HSC subject selection, enabling them to connect their subject choices with their post-Year 12 aspirations. Subject selection discussions start to take place during Careers' lessons, offering students the opportunity for one-on-one sessions with me to address any questions they may have before making decisions.
- Through various avenues (including CANVAS Careers, Newsletters, emails, our designated Careers website, visits from tertiary institutions and so on) students will receive information about University, Private College, and TAFE courses, helping them grasp the entry requirements for the courses they are considering and understand how their HSC subject choices may impact their eligibility for these courses.
- Individual career counselling is provided to students during Recess, Lunch, or before school if they wish to seek further advice outside of careers lessons. Additionally, guidance is offered to students considering apprenticeships or traineeships after Year 10. Parents/carers are welcome to sit in on any of these discussions.
- Careers newsletters (In the Know with Careers) are accessible via CANVAS Careers for students and through the Especean for parents/carers. These newsletters provide up-to-date information on careers and courses. I highly encourage the boys and parents/carers to explore them to discover potential interests. They also provide access to various webinars hosted by different universities, offering valuable insights into various courses.
- Our program also connects students with industry experts. We often invite Old Boys to come out to speak to students about specific careers. The invitations are extended to Year 10, 11 and 12 students and often take place during lunch time. For instance, last year, we had Old Boys from diverse fields such as Engineering, IT, Medicine, and the ADF share their experiences with interested students.
- Students can utilise the St Patrick’s College Careers website, Job Jump and Career Tools, online resources providing comprehensive information on various careers and courses. By the end of the term Year 10 parents/careers will also be provided with registration details to Job Jump which will assist with facilitating discussions with their sons.
Should you or your son have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me via phone on 8705-9255 or via email at I am here to support and guide them through this crucial phase of their academic journey.