Wellbeing - Middle School

Motivating Your Sons to Learn
After a long summer break of close to two months, we need to reinvigorate and re-energise our boys for learning. As parents/carers, you play an essential role in creating this.
Boys are constantly checking to see if you respect them. They respond well to high expectations and respect.
Boys love inclusivity. Ask for your son’s advice about issues as it helps to build maturity.
Boys need boundaries, structure, and clarity. They need and yearn to know who is in charge. They respond to your fairness and consistency. So, it may be worth looking at having three or four clear target areas that apply to their learning.
Boys love competition. In most cases it will override any form of negative motivation. They love competitive games, so I encourage you to foster this at home and in their learning.
Boys can innately be sensitive beings. They need quiet times to think, read and chat. Arrange space so that there is an opportunity for this.
Lastly, but most importantly, believe in him. Let him know that you think he is wonderful, smart, and capable (even at times when it is hard to) and he will rise to the occasion. Make success challenging but attainable and make it more likely than failure. Help him to unlock his strengths. Reassure and empower him and let his light will shine.
Alex Sinadinos
Director of Middle School