Co-curricular - Stage 3

It has certainly been a busy start to the year for Junior School. Summer sport trials took place at a fast and furious pace. All boys have now been notified of their selections and teams. I would like to thank all the boys involved for their efforts, manners, and enthusiasm over the course of the trial period. I would also like to thank all the parents/carers for getting the boys prepared for and transported to the trials last week. Finally, to all our staff and coaches who assisted with the trials a huge thank you - we could get through all the sports and be prepared for the first round without your help.
Speaking of trials, a reminder that over the course of the first three rounds, boys are still considered for selection in a trial period. Over this time, boys may be moved from team to team in order get everyone where they need to be. I encourage all our students to train positively, give their all in the games and take on coach feedback this season.
Boys will now need to make sure they have the correct playing uniforms for this Saturday’s first rounds of sport. Items can be purchased from the College Uniform Shop. For Basketball and Touch Football, singlets will be handed to the boys to use for the season (Term 1 and Term 4). This is done on a hire basis and the cost of hiring will appear in school fees. Boys will be given their singlets at school before Saturday’s games. Boys playing Touch Football are to wear the College black rugby shorts as they have no pockets. Pockets can cause injuries to fingers in Touch Football.
The boys in the Junior School are always very active and we love to hear about their exploits outside the College. Over the weekend we had two students participate in the Coastal Classic, an annual pre-season event for junior representative teams in NSW in Basketball. Attracting teams from all over NSW, the event prepares teams for the upcoming representative season. Liam Amendolia in Year 6 and Eli Encarnacao in Year 5 represented the West Sydney Wolves in the competition. Their team were undefeated and crowned U12s Champions in NSW. We congratulate both Liam and Eli on an outstanding performance and wish them all the very best for the upcoming Basketball season.
With the Summer sport season starting this weekend, please make sure that you have subscribed to the sport your son is playing on the College App. All Junior School sport is prefaced with Junior School and then the name of the sport e.g. Junior School Cricket. You will also need to subscribe to Junior School Fixtures for the weekly draw. As the season continues, more of my communication will come through the sports tags, rather than the Year 5 and Year 6 tags I have been using since the beginning of this year. It is important that boys subscribe as well, should they have a phone. Weekly draws will also be placed in each classroom during the season.
I wish all our boys the best of luck this weekend. We are going into Round 1 a little underdone, however our experiences during trials will aid us in our first matches. I look forward to seeing and hearing about all our successes and challenges from Round 1 of Summer sport.
John Locke
Head of Co-curricular Stage 3