What's happening in our learning spaces? 


St Fidelis' School community welcomes FLW students: James, Grazia, Alessia, Patricia, Minnie, Marco, Angus, Bridget, Jack, Sienna, Arsema, Mikayla, Oliver, Leo, Alexandra, Chloe; FAP students: Bailey, Giselle, Zoe,  Florence, Amara, Francesca, Thomas, Elena, Lenny, Stella, Isaac, Kenzo, Matilda, Archie, Holly, Samuel and FAM students: Julian, Maybelle, Isaiah, Leo, Sumi, Albert, Lexi, Aurelia, Clark, Sophie, Marley, Chloe, Marc, Audrey, Edith, Sebastian, Toni and their families to our community for the 2024 school year. It has been a smooth transition to school for everyone over the past three half days of learning. Everyone is to be congratulated for their positive attitude.





As self-managers, we have been fantastic at engaging in the different daily routines, including the morning routine, brain food, recess and end of day. We have also been introduced to the St Fidelis Agreed Ways, and this week we will be introduced to the Photo Blocks as an extra organisational tool within the learning space and how to use them.


As mathematicians, we have been identifying how many letters in our name and how many people in our families. We have been introduced to subitising cards and have enjoyed sharing with each other how many dots we could see when the cards were quickly shown to us. At home, students can practise counting from 0 to 20 and back, counting collection of items around the house and identifying different numbers that are visible at home eg. on clocks, remote controls, house numbers or on appliances. 


This week it will be very exciting to participate in the specialist classes and for us to meet the different teachers who will share their knowledge and expertise with Italian, Visual Arts, STEM and Physical Education.


Each Tuesday we will participate in Italian, Visual Arts and Physical Education learning and each Friday we will participate in STEM learning. Just a reminder that the sport uniform is worn every Tuesday.


This week some of us will come in on Wednesday at our scheduled time to engage in some literacy assessments. We also look forward to meeting the parents at the Parent/Teacher Meet and Greet on Thursday 14th February. This will be a wonderful opportunity for us to find out a little bit more about our students.


Just a reminder for all students to bring in a box of tissues and a bag that can be used for library when we begin to borrow books.


Wishing everyone a great week!


Leanne Wenckowski, Alex Phillips and Alycia Marsico

Foundation Team

YEAR 1/2

It was extremely wonderful to see smiling faces walk through the Year 1/2 learning spaces on Wednesday morning. We are very excited to be upstairs this year! We greeted our new teacher and said hello to our friends and before long, we were busy playing games together and sharing stories from our holidays!

As part of a safe and inclusive learning environment we were sure to begin developing positive relationships with one another. We played lots of games to get to know each other and our teacher of course. As readers, we had the opportunity to listen to a heartwarming story called, 'Our Class is a Family', written by Shannon Olsen. We made the connection between family and school. We identified school being a place where we show kindness and respect, a place where we can be ourselves and celebrate our differences. We will make memories together and make mistakes so that we can learn and try again! 


We also had the opportunity to listen to the story, Old Friends, New Friends written by Andrew Daddo. This story inspired us to reflect on our feelings about beginning the school year. As mathematicians, we collated our data about feelings and together we created a graph. We were able to make statements about what we noticed. Most students were excited!  


As part of feeling safe at school, we have been exploring the St Fidelis' Child Friendly, Child Safe Policy. We understand that all children have the right to be respected, to learn and to feel safe at school. We also used the five helping hands to explore who we can go to, if we are in need of help. 


As self-managers, we have tuned in to our big question, ‘What makes a strong learning community?’ To understand our big question, we have begun to explore and reflect on the Agreed Ways, lining up and transitioning routines and the morning routine. Together we engaged in discussions with our peers to develop a morning routine that will be displayed in our learning spaces. Please be sure to encourage this each morning! 


Vania Sparano, Vicky Karalis and Vivian Boggis

1/2 Team

YEAR 3/4

Welcome to Year 3/4 2024! We are very excited to begin a new learning year together!


This year, we would like to extend a very big welcome to two new faces in Year 3/4 - Akira & Rodrick. We also welcome a new teacher, Ms Hogan. 


We familiarised ourselves with the learning space and agreed ways of learning. We shared our holiday experiences with each other and discovered our interests and passions through thoughtful conversations. 

Year 3/4BF

Year 3/4SH


We kindly ask that you take the time to read and listen to the Welcome Video that has been sent out. This will include all relevant information for the beginning of the school year and the different routines and timetables. 


We look forward to getting to know you and your children, and will see you all at the on-site Parent Teacher Meet and Greet on Wednesday 14th February, from 1pm onwards. 


Year 3/4 Teachers

Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan


YEAR 5/6

Welcome back to all of our Year 5/6 students! We hope you had a wonderful break and are all ready for an amazing school year!


This year, we welcome Miss Maddie to St Fidelis, with years of experience teaching the 5/6 Year level, she is a wonderful addition to our SLA family. 


What a fantastic first week we had last week in the SLA. Our students had lots of fun catching up with their friends, as well as getting to know their new teachers and learning space. 


Each class created a “Class Agreement” discussing how they want their learning space to be this year and what this looks like in practice. The students also showed off their artistic skills by creating a self portrait and including all the elements that make them, them. We also began to construct a time capsule that the students will receive at the end of the school year, including their current height and favourite things!

Class agreement/identity art pics


Please see the link for our Year 5/6 Welcome Video that provides all the information for our year level including morning routines, food breaks and key dates. 


Specialist Timetable:

Monday - STEMMonday - STEMMonday - STEM
Thursday - Art, Italian & PEThursday - PE, Art & ItalianThursday - Italian, PE & Art
Friday - Inter School SportsFriday - Inter School SportsFriday - Inter School Sports

This term we have many exciting events!

6th Feb Camp Information Night 7pm via Zoom

9th Feb Student Leaders Assembly - Badge Presentation

14th Feb Ash Wednesday, Whole School Mass

14th Feb Parent/Teacher/Student Meet and Greet

16th Feb SSV Coburg District Summer Sport Round 1 (Away, St Bernards PS)

20th - 22nd Feb Camp at Sovereign Hill 

13th - 25th March NAPLAN

19th March School Photo Day

22nd March School Closure Day 


Have a wonderful week and we look forward to meeting you all very soon!


The Year 5/6 Team, 

Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut