Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 2 Term 1


Dear Parents and Carers,


St Fidelis' learning community is committed to the wellbeing and safety of all children. Our interactions with all in our community is founded on respect for each person. Within a Catholic community this respect of each individual is rooted in the belief that each person is made in the image and likeness of God.


There are many ways that our school promotes safety and respect for all.  Some of these include the formulation of our Agreed Ways of working and living at St Fidelis, our promotion of student voice, learning and teaching programs that promote living safely with others andThe Resilience Project, just to name a few. A nationally consistent approach to child safe standards has seen the formulation of 11 Child Safe Standards that apply to our school and other child related organisations. The 11 standards are listed below:

  • Child Safe Standard 1- Organizations establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.
  • Child Safe Standard 2 - Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organizational leadership, governance and culture.
  • Child Safe Standard 3 - Children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.
  • Child Safe Standard 4 - Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.
  • Child Safe Standard 5 - Equity is upheld and diverse needs are respected in policy and practice.
  • Child Safe Standard 6 - People working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.
  • Child Safe Standard 7 - Processes form complaints and concerns are child focused.
  • Child Safe Standard 8 - Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.  
  • Child Safe Standard 9 - Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed. 
  • Child Safe Standard 10 - Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is regularly reviewed and improved.
  • Child Safe Standard 11- Policies  and procedures document how the organisation is safe for children and young people.

In the coming weeks we will consider each of the Child Safe Standards and identify some of the ways in which our learning community promotes and adheres to these.


Have a lovely week,




Welcome, we have had a great start to our first week of school. It was wonderful to see all the children back at school with happy faces, eager to reconnect with their friends smiling, learning and having fun. 


The Foundation students have settled in very quickly and we welcome all the new families and thank you for trusting us with your child.


A special welcome to students and their families who have joined St Fidelis from other schools Akira (Year 4) Lilly (Year 2) Roderick (Year 3).  We hope you enjoy being part of the St Fidelis' community.

Year Level Procedures & Expectations for 2024

Last Friday, you would have received a message via the AUDIRI app which had important information about your child's class and their routines. The links provided information about your child's year level expectation and procedures and any other relevant information for that year level for this year. This link does not have Curriculum Information.


Curriculum Overviews are  made available in Week 2 or 3 of each term. 


Weekly Curriculum information about WHAT'S HAPPENING IN YOUR CHILD'S LEARNING SPACE is communicated each week by your child's teacher in the newsletter. 

The links have been added here today also in the event you missed the communication last week. 

If you have any questions about the information that you hear from your child's teacher, you will have the opportunity on Wednesday February 14th at the parent and teacher Meet & Greet Conversation Day to seek clarification. 


THEIRCARE will be available for care from 1:00pm for families who require these services. 

Family Calendar of Events on AUDIRI App

On the AUDIRI App, there is a feature titled EVENTS. This is a calendar for all parents. The calendar outlines the events that are coming up for each month. These dates are correct at the time of publishing.  If we are going to move an event we will inform all the community via a separate message.  Audiri is a free school app for parents and schools.

Keep Up To Date with School News!!! 

To ensure you are kept up to date with school happenings, our NEWSLETTER is distributed each Monday via email & AUDIRI App and on the SCHOOL'S WEBSITE.  

You are strongly encouraged to read it each week so that you are continually informed about school events. Today’s newsletter contains lots of important information including upcoming school events and important aspects of school organisation and some important dates.


  • Tuesday February 6th @7:00pm - Year 5/6 Camp Information Online Meeting  There will be an online meeting regarding the Year 5/6  camp. This is an evening to inform you about Camp  and an opportunity to ask questions. A link will be sent via AUDIRI App closer to the night. 
  • Wednesday February 14th - Parent and Teacher Meet & Greet -  School will finish at 1:00 pm on Wednesday February 14th to allow time for the Parents and Teacher meet and greet conversations. THEIRCARE will be available if you require this service. 
  • NB: Camp dates: TUESDAY February 20th, WEDNESDAY February 21st & THURSDAY February 22nd

School Leaders Assembly

This Friday February 9th at 8:50am, will be our first whole school assembly. It will be led by the staff leadership Team and the school leaders will be presented with their badges. All parents and Carers are encouraged to attend this assembly.

Zooper Dooper Friday

Thank you to the Parents and Friends who organise the selling of Zooper Doopers each Friday during Term One and Term 4 for our students.  Zooper Doopers will be sold at lunchtime for $1.00. Zooper Doopers will be available beginning this Friday 9th February.