Music News

Thanks for all of the parents that have confirmed their child's re-enrolment in the band, it really helps the committee with our planning for the year. If you still haven't done it yet, here is the link to the form below. Thank you for your assistance! If you did not receive an email from the band with your Offer to Band for 2024, please contact us ASAP.
It is not too late to join band for 2024! We are especially looking for trombones, bass guitar and saxophone players.
2024 Band Camp
Band camp for this year will be March 23/24 and planning has already begun. For those that don't know, band camp is two days of rehearsals tutoring with some fun distractions thrown in and it ends up with a concert so the kids can show off their new skills. As you can imagine, this takes a lot of planning and help, so keep your eyes peeled for timetables and roster for helping out as these events don't happen without the parents help.
Joining the Band
If your child is currently in years 2-5 and would like to know more about joining the band for 2024, we’d love to hear from you! Please email us at
Rehearsals start this week
Junior Band - Wednesday morning 7.30am - 8.30am
Training Band - Wednesday lunch time (no instruments required this week)
Concert Band - Thursday morning 7.30 - 8.30am
Next committee meeting for the Band is Wednesday night 7/2/24. If you are free to attend and see what it's all about, please get in touch.
Joel K - On behalf of the Band Committee