P&C News

Welcome BBQ at Meet the Teacher Evening
We will be running a welcome BBQ on the Meet the Teacher night on Thursday, 15 February from 5.00pm - 7.00pm or until food runs out. We would love to get more P&C members, so a sausage sandwich (chicken or beef) and a soft drink will be free for any P&C members and their families - it is only 50c to join the P&C via the Qkr app, so show the receipt on your phone and meet some of the parents involved in our school community, all whilst enjoying some Roselea hospitality. Those who aren't members will still be able to purchase a sausage and drink for $5 per person. We look forward to welcoming our new families and catching up with our existing community.
Martin C - P&C President
Uniform Shop
Term 1 Uniform Shop Trading date and hours:
- Thursday 22 Feb 2:30pm-3:15pm.
- Wednesday 13 March 8:30am-9:15am
- Thursday 4 April 2:30pm-3:15pm
We do weekly uniform order deliveries every Thursday or Friday during school term, please place your order by 10pm Tuesday for the same week delivery.
Please feel free to email roseleaunifromshop@gmail.com for any questions.
Emily - Uniform Shop Coordinator
Bookclub Information
Dear Families
Our school is participating in Scholastic Book Club this year. Catalogues will be sent home with your child 1-2 times a term for you to select books to order. You'll find award-winning books and bestsellers, as well as old and new favourites. The books span a wide range of children's reading levels and interests and some books cost as little as $3!
Each order helps earn new books for our school library as rewards are earned for the school when parents and teachers purchase books from the catalogues provided. In previous years, $1,100 worth of new books were purchased for our school library with the rewards that had been earned. It's a great way to buy books for your own children or to buy presents for others.
The catalogue for the first issue of Book Club this year will be sent home with your child soon. Alternatively, check it out online at https://www.scholastic.com.au/book-club/book-club-parents/book-club/.
To help keep reading rolling, you will get a $5 credit to spend on Issue 2 when you spend $35 or more in Issue 1! See https://scholastic.com.au/media/9771/issue_1_2024_promo_terms_conditions.pdf. for full terms and conditions.
So get in quick! Orders are due back on Tuesday 20th February.
To order, pay online at www.scholastic.com.au/loop. (See attached flyer for more information).
If you are ordering a gift please make sure you select the 'Gift box' option when ordering so that the gift can be kept at the office. You will then be contacted so that you can collect the books at your convenience.
Happy reading!
Karina F - Book Club Coordinator
** After school dance class 2024 **
We do a combination of jazz, ballet and contemporary with students learning routines for performances at school events throughout the year. Boys and girls are welcome!
After school dance class is at the school hall:
- K-2 class on Mondays 3pm - 4:15pm
- 3-6 class on Wednesdays 3pm - 4:15pm
Come for a free trial if you are interested!