First Steps Centre

Kinder Dates and Notifications:

  • Twilight Sports: 29th February - Kinder race at 4:45 pm 
  • Kindergarten Family Picnic -14th March 5:00-6:00 pm. More details to come. 
  • Family Breakfast: 28th March- 7:30am on-wards. 


Our Three-Year-Old class has had a wonderful week of learning and coming together further as a class. 

The children have resonated with the opportunities to learn and explore through construction, group times- singing, games and stories and through dramatic play and artistic expression. 


They made salt dough together during Friday's group time, with the intention to create objects to share with their families- scaffolding a connection from home to kindergarten and strengthening each child's sense of belonging and ownership whilst at Kinder. 



It's hard to believe that it is only the second week of classes for the year! The children have settled so seamlessly and are demonstrating such an amazing sense of connection and belonging to the program, staff and their peers already! 

Our Gawarn class has been exploring the workings and science of magnets exploring the push and pull forces through painting, building and exploration within the program. 


The Budja class welcomed Emily back this week, just in time to share a big interest in the ocean and sea life, with lots of children connecting around experiences during the holidays and discovering new knowledge and leanings from peers and through discussions with teachers. 

Our Marram class have been developing such strong connections with each other. This has occurred through lots of group moments,  with songs, games and stories, and this is flowing into moments within the program, such as with a large group of children building a river in the sandpit, cooperating and communicating in order to accomplish a task. 

In our Early Childhood Language Program (ECLP), we celebrated Lunar New Year. Exploring the Chinese year of the dragon, Cristina led the children through some songs, a story around the new year and then each child was able to participate in a dragon scratch drawing. 



The Kindergarten team!