Connections Centre

Specialist Feature News: Science

Selamat Siang, 

We are so excited for Term 1 in Science, as the whole school is learning about the Human Body! Our Foundations are exploring their senses, our 1/2s are learning about organs, our 3/4s are investigating body systems, and our 5/6s are diving into the topics of human microbiology and genetics!


This week the 1/2s have been making skeletons and learning about our bones. So far this term, they have learnt that our organs are important body parts with special jobs to do! 


This week the 5/6s have been researching the immune system. Over the last 3 weeks, they have done an incredible job investigating body systems, types of germs and discovering the importance of hand washing.


Specialist Reminder - Please bring your hats and drink bottles to P.E sessions, and apply sunscreen if possible! 


Have a great weekend, Terima Kasih! 

Beth Cardy (1/2 and 5/6 Science Teacher) + The Specialist Team! 



Pupil of the Week

Visual Arts

Junior:  Vihaan B (FE)

For demonstrating zest and a love of learning when creating your self-portrait!


Senior: Isaac D (3/4RJ)

For demonstrating creativity and a love of learning when designing your Warm & Cool dragon artwork.


Junior: Kiara S (1/2A)

For demonstrating a love of learning when you made an incredible skeleton and wrote lots of bone facts on your page!


Senior: Mackenzie D (5/6C)

For your perseverance and outstanding efforts, both in class and at home, to create detailed diagrams and fact files.


Junior:  Kaia D, 1/2M

For demonstrating leadership and creativity when making your Pakaian (clothes) display. Hebat!


Senior:  Gabriel R, 3/4K

For showing a love of learning when demonstrating your new knowledge of hobbies in Pacman and your writing. Bagus sekali, Gabriel!

Physical Education

Junior: Leo H (FE)

For demonstrating a love of learning and zest when practising your sprints and throwing tennis balls with your partner. 


Senior: Tilly N (5/6C)

For demonstrating zest and perseverance when challenging yourself with your distance throws.