Discovery Centre


Selamat siang, Foundation Families!


This week, students were introduced to codes that help with their reading and writing. Through the week the students learnt the first four codes. There are 70 codes all together, so each week we will be learning four more until we have learnt and practised them all. Throughout reading we read texts that were aligned with the codes we had learnt. We learnt the letters a, c, d and f and read stories like Alfie’s Big Wish, The Rainbow Fish and Dirty Dinosaur. 


As you may have seen, take home books and journals have started to go home in orange folders. This is the beginning of our program and will be about familiarising students and families with the process of the daily changing of books, learning how to use the reading journal and finding time after or before school to read their book with a family member. Teachers will provide students with familiar texts with familiar words. As students grow into independent and proficient readers, books will change and teachers will be continually assessing and monitoring the progress of students. Please remember that each child learns at their own pace and it is important to celebrate the success of your child and where they are at in their reading ability.



  • Please make sure all your child's belongings are labelled 
  • Please sign up if you are free to help us in PMP on Friday's, use QR code below
  • Guided Inquiry Showcase- 21st of March at 3pm

Pupil of the week

FC- Evan P

For demonstrating creativity when drawing a picture about your alliteration, 'Excavating Evan'. It was wonderful to see your colour and extra detail when drawing your digger. 


FE- Maddie H

For demonstrating a love of learning throughout literacy tasks. It has been wonderful to see your enthusiasm.


FT-  Hazel E

For demonstrating team work when working with peers to fill your tens frame in maths. You take great care when sharing with your friends and show patience and kindness.