Inquiry Centre


This week, the 1/2 students have been learning about other people in our grade. We spend some time interviewing a buddy in our grade and being interviewed. The teachers were so impressed with the sentences that were created about our buddies favourite things. It was a great opportunity to spend some time with new faces in our grade and learn some things we might have in common with other students in our grade! You might like to ask your child who they interviewed and some things they learnt about their peers. 


Student Voice - What was your favourite thing this week? 

  • 'I liked making my fingerprints in Guided Inquiry' - Baani M
  • 'I like reading in the morning' - Ethan T
  • 'I liked reading with my teacher' - Annika C


  • Please make sure your child brings a hat to school in Term 1. 
  • If you could send in a box of tissues with your child that would be appreciated. These get used throughout the year by their class. 
  • Students are particularly hungry during the first few weeks of school. Please send some additional fruit/healthy snacks for them to enjoy during the day. 
  • Please check Sentral to permit photos and other important information. 

Pupil of the Week

1/2A: Elvin K

For using teamwork when interviewing your buddy to find out all about them. You asked careful questions and recorded their responses. 


1/2M: Maddy J

For demonstrating a love of learning and determination when completing the follow-up activity for our Cyber Safety Incursion. 


1/2S: Will B

For demonstrating responsibility by always being ready to learn and giving everything a go! 


1/2KS: Wild M

For displaying teamwork and responsibility during our buddy writing. You did a fantastic job using your codes to help your friends sound out their words. 


1/2E: Jack U 

For displaying the attributes of being a bucket filler by helping others! Keep being helpful!