Independence Centre


Selamat sore 3/4 families!

The 3/4 students have had a wonderful week in the Independence Centre!


We had a very successful Cyber Safety day where we learnt about how to leave a positive digital footprint behind. We also went through our Digital User Agreement and collaborated to create a ‘looks like, sounds like, feels like’ poster about what it means to be a responsible digital technologies user at school. To conclude the day, we had our cyber safety incursion with the Cyber Safety Project where we discussed strategies for staying safe online. We also learnt about how to take control to make sure we don’t overuse technology. 


Another highlight this week includes Maths! We have been investigating and creating data displays all related to our names. We’ve created collaborative graphs to find out how many letters are in each student’s first name in each class and also discovered how many vowels there are in each of our names (including last names!) It was so interesting to compare our estimates with the actual results in the end.


Have a wonderful weekend,



Here are some cyber safety tips:

Student Voice:

Think before you post anything online” - Durga H

“Don’t add people you don't know on any online platform, including games” - Sahil J

“Stick to school and home expectations” - Liam W

“Don't tell share your passwords with anyone” - Lauren Z


  • Yr 3 and Yr 5 Families: NAPLAN Locked Down Browser Download
    In preparation for the upcoming NAPLAN Assessments in Week 7 and 8, please ensure that your child/ren in Years 3 and 5 have downloaded the NAP Locked Down Browser 2024 from the App Store. If it is already on your child's iPad, please ensure that it is the most updated version with the 2024 logo shown below
  • In addition to this, we ask that all students have a set of headphones (and if they wish a keyboard) at school as they will need to use these for many of the NAPLAN assessments and learning activites throughout the year
  • Please ensure you have submitted permission and payment for your child to attend the Senior Swimming Carnival
  • Please ensure your child has a hat and drink bottle at school every day
  • Student diaries will go home each day in school bags and are required at school each day.
  • Please ensure your child has a labelled hat at school in their tub.
  • Students may bring a pencil case to school. We will provide basic stationery required for learning.
  • Please check Sentral for any outstanding permissions and yearly consent.

Pupil of the Week

3/4RM: Elliot H 

For demonstrating curiosity and creativity when exploring how data displays can be created using different formats.


3/4B: Julian P

For being a life-long learner. You always take on peer and teacher feedback with enthusiasm and put your best effort into all tasks.


3/4W: Mia B

For demonstrating a love of learning throughout writing sessions. You carefully planned, edited and upleveled your persuasive piece using the the seven steps.


3/4S: Neve M

For demonstrating creativity and a love of learning when writing your persuasive piece on why we should have a pool at school.


3/4K: Kai-Ern Y 

For demonstrating leadership when helping the Year 3s set up their iPads and sharing ideas for responsible iPad use during Cybersafety Day.