Principal's Message

Term 1 Week 3

Investigate Create Express

ICE Parent Helpers

Calling all of our wonderful families! Have you got a particular interest or area of expertise and have the availability to support an ICE (Investigate, Create, Express) group during our Friday afternoon session from approximately 2.30-3.30. Please reach out using this link!!


Check out this video of ICE and parents who have helped in the past:

We are looking to begin our first session on Friday 8th March and below is our predicted timeline:

Term 1 Dates 

Session 1: 8th March 

Session 2: 15th March

Term 2 Dates 

Session 3: 3rd May 

Session 4: 10th May 

Session 5: 17th May

Session 6: 24th May

Session 7: 31st May

Session 8: 7th June

SHOWCASE: 14th June

If you are more interested in supporting us in Semester Two our predicted dates are between July and November.

What is ICE?

This exciting program offers students from Years 3 to 6 a range of activities that extends the students’ learning and furthers their knowledge and skills in new or existing areas of interest and passion. All students have had the opportunity to contribute ideas for activities through their Student Representative Council and we aim to cater for many of the most popular suggestions. 

Thanks to our talented staff, willing family members and community volunteers some of the wide range of activities that have been offered have been woodwork, cooking, crafts such as quilting, applique, hama beads, friendship bands, knitting, photography, gardening, book club, flight, comic drawing, painting, song and Auslan, drama and writing, yoga, pottery, recycled art, henna designs, chess, rock band, egyptology, pinata, pattern making and soft toys.

Spotlight on IEPs and Personalised Learning

MPRPS School Teachers and Leaders have recently reviewed the school’s IEP Policy in line with changes to guidance from the Department of Education and Training (‘The Department’) and community engagement data. As described in the Department’s Policy Library, teachers already undertake many activities that personalise learning experiences for students. Research has shown that when schools use a planning approach that supports personalised learning, the academic achievement of all students improves. Personalised Learning is evidenced at MPRPS through: 

  • differentiated teaching in all classrooms;
  • individual learning goals for students; 
  • small-group learning; 
  • one-on-one targeted teaching; 
  • personalised portfolios of student work;
  • student support programs including MiniLit, SpellEx, and the Tutor Learning Initiative; 
  • enrichment programs including our Student Leadership Program, the Tournament of Minds, the Australian Mathematics Challenge, the Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Competition, the Victorian High Ability Program, Investigate Create Express, Choir, Instrumental Music and Lunch Time Clubs;
  • development of Individual Education Plans and/or Student Support Groups for students with disability funding or additional learning needs.

The Department mandates IEPs for:

  • Koorie students
  • students funded under programs including the PSD and Disability Inclusion;
  • students in alternative programs such as youth justice, re-engagement programs, flexible learning opportunities (i.e. not in a mainstream school)
  • students in statutory out of home care;

MPRPS has determined that students who are working towards the expected Victorian Curriculum level in English and Mathematics will also have an IEP. MPRPS students who are supported with disability funding will continue to have a Student Support Group, who meet termly to discuss the IEP and the student’s goals and progress. SSGs or IEPs may also be developed for unfunded students who are at-risk, who have additional learning needs, or who are not meeting their potential, at the discretion of school leaders and in consultation with students’ families.

Students from a Language Background Other Than English (LBOTE) will continue to be supported in vocabulary development, grammar rules, spelling conventions, reading comprehension, writing structure, oral fluency and pronunciation, and may be assessed on the English as an Additional Language (EAL) continuum. Our EAL program is facilitated by trained interventionists, who support classroom teachers to plan for, teach, and assess EAL students. Students may be supported in-class or withdrawn from class for intensive support, depending on their needs. 

Students who are gifted, talented, or achieving well above the expected level will continue to receive enrichment, guided by the students’ interests, skills and strengths. Individual assessment data and personalised learning goals inform teachers’ planning for differentiation in all classrooms. Students’ individual goals and progress will continue to be communicated through the Seesaw Portfolio, Semester Academic Reports, and Three-Way Conferences. Enrichment opportunities, some of which are described above, will continue to be communicated through the school newsletter, at Assemblies, via Sentral, and through our school website. Should you wish to arrange a meeting to discuss your child’s enrichment, please contact our Leading Teacher for Enrichment and Engagement, Ros Walker, or our Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning, Erin Bennetts, via the school email address. 

Information Evenings

Senior School information evening was held on Wednesday evening preceded by the Cyber Safety Project parent information presentation. Great tips for managing children and the internet were given by Trent. His tips also aligned with the student versions that were held throughout the day. Parents and carers heard about the 3/4 camp to Adanac and 5/6 head off to the City for their camp.

1/2 held their information evening and all families received an information book and class timetable. 

I thank staff for giving up their evening to come along and present and all of our parents who came along to hear from their children's teachers.

Secondary School 2024 Transition

School tour details can be found online and are an excellent way to learn more about a prospective school. School Tours are now occurring weekly at many High Schools.  

A timeline for High School Transition applications can be found below. It is important to note that the transition process and the dates outlined are determined by the Department of Education and not by Mount Pleasant Road Primary School. All government Primary Schools in Victoria follow the same processes and timelines. 

  • Term 2, Week 1- Government schools distribute Transition Information Packs for parents/carers of all current Year 6 students
  • Friday 10 May - All Transition Applications must be returned to government Primary Schools for submission. Parents/carers are encouraged to submit their application form a few days prior to the due date.
  • Wednesday 19th June - Placement Confirmation Form sent by secondary schools to notify primary schools of the names of students accepted into Year 7 for 2025.
  • Wednesday 17th July - Primary schools notify parents/carers of year 6 students of placement offers, in writing.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or Andrew Shaw (Assistant Principal). 

Pleasant Snacks 

Pleasant Snacks is the student managed shop that operates on a Friday at lunch time. The new Year 5 managers were selected from a large number of applications and we commend the students on their efforts. The Pleasant Snacks Managers for 2024 are Owen, Jude M, Aira and Sophie A. They will be presented their badges on the 26th February.

The snacks are generally yellow light foods and are individually wrapped to avoid food handling challenges. In the past the shop operated out of the Pleasant Snacks van but this year will use the Cafe Studio with provision in the new maker space being built to house Pleasant Snacks. The van will be retired and we are hopeful to sell it on for a new life. 


As approved by School Council ICAS assessments will not continue to be conducted at Mount Pleasant Road Primary School in 2024 and beyond. Please see more information in Important Information.

Online Music Solutions 

Our individual and group music lessons have started and Justin and Lyn are enjoying the start up of the year. We also have Peter starting his violin lessons with lots of new students starting.

Senior Badge Presentation

In assembly on Monday 19th February, our Year 6 Leadership teams will be presented with their badges, alongside our School Captains and SRC Presidents. The following Monday we will present the SRC representatives from each class with their badges.

Thank you to all of our 1/2 families that joined us for our Meet and Greet after Assembly.

Year 6 Leadership Teams:

Classes will start presenting at assemblies from 4th March and we begin with 5/6E followed by 3/4K on the 18th.. The last week of every term our assembly is held at the end of the week, not on the Monday.

WhiteHorse City Council-Charles Rooks/Dagola Reserve

Yesterday we had Chahana and Wendy (both are project managers) from the Whitehorse City Council visit our school to gather student feedback about the proposed master plan to improve the Charles Rooks/Dagola Reserve 

Chahana and Wendy met with our school captains, SRC presidents as well as the Community and Facilities teams and discussed the equipment they would like to see in an outdoor play space. It was wonderful to hear the students’ ideas and how they justified their choices. 

Chahana and Wendy will visit us later in the year to share their draft master plan. Please see ‘Important Information’ on how you can give your feedback through their survey).

Meet our MPRPS Teams

5/6 ES Team
5/6 Teachers
5/6 ES Team
5/6 Teachers
3/4 ES Team
3/4 Teachers
3/4 ES Team
3/4 Teachers
1/2 ES Team
1/2 Teachers
1/2 ES Team
1/2 Teachers
Foundation ES Team
Foundation Teachers
Foundation ES Team
Foundation Teachers
Specialist Team
Leadership & Admin
Specialist Team
Leadership & Admin