Parents & Friends 

Welcome back to P&F for 2024, what a start we've already had!


Meet & Greets

We've already had our Foundation and our 1/2 meet and greets, with lots of icy-poles consumed all around (thanks Melbourne for the super hot day last week!).  Our final meet & greet is for our senior families, next Monday 19 February, immediately after school finishes. Come and join us in the courtyard for an icy-pole, a chat and to meet some of the other families in your class.


Cake Raffle

The cake raffle is back for 2024, with $9.00 raised at last week's assembly.  The cake raffle is held every Monday at assembly, with prizes donated by families from across the school.  Tickets are 20c each or 6 for $1, and are available for students to purchase at recess each Monday.  If you are able to help us out by baking or contributing a prize for the raffle one week, the sign up sheet is now on the P&F board at reception.


Twilight Sports BBQ

Our first fundraiser for the year is the Twilight Sports BBQ, which is in less than 2 weeks away.  More information on this will come home soon, so look out for that.  We can always use a hand setting up and running the BBQ.


Secondhand Uniforms

At Twilight Sports, we're also holding a secondhand uniform stall.  If you have any good condition, pre-loved uniforms lying around that you no longer need, please consider donating them to the school. These can be dropped off to reception at any time.


P&F Meetings

Our first P&F meeting was last Friday (Feb 16), it was great to see everyone who made it along.  Our next meeting is Friday 22 March, 9am, in person and on Zoom.  All are welcome to attend and find out what P&F is up to.


There are lots of other ways to get involved in P&F as well:

- We're still on the hunt for a few parent representatives.  This is a really simple role providing a point of contact between the school and your class.  All you need to do is set up a WhatsApp group for your class (I can help you with that if you've never done it), and then pass on any messages I send out.  That's it!  Let me know if you're interested.

- We have a few fundraising events coming up throughout the year, and having event coordinators for each one helps make my job a lot less stressful.  Event coordination differs depending on the event, but generally involves helping with the planning of the event, calling for volunteers or donations, and helping run the event (all with help of course).  If you have capacity to help me out with any of the events coming up, let me know.

- We also need all hands on deck for many of our events throughout the year.  Event volunteers usually put their name down to help for an hour or two on the day of an event.  Look out for call outs for volunteers here, on flyers or on facebook!


Want to get in touch?

There are lots of ways to get in touch with me!


Facebook:  join the MPRPS facebook group @mprpsparentsandfriends

WhatsApp:  join the P&F WhatsApp group

Find me at pick up or drop off


You can also get in touch with our Community Support Representative Jess Walker at for a confidential chat if you need support for any reason.




P&F Coordinator