Parents & Friends 

2024 P&F Committee Nominations

As the Annual General Meeting approaches, (6.00pm 28th February), nominations are now called for positions on the St Mary of the Angels Parents and Friends Association Executive for 2024. 


Anyone wishing to nominate a school community, or parish member for a Parents and Friends Association Executive position, should, (after consultation with the person concerned), complete a nomination form, you will be able to collect the form from the front office or print a copy using the link below, including the name of a seconder, and return it to the school office, by 4.00pm Friday 23rd February as nominations will only be taken from the floor, in the event of no written nominations having been received. 


All Executive positions of the Parents and Friends Association become vacant. 

Nominees are asked to speak at the Annual General Meeting, outlining their skills and reasons for wishing to nominate for a position on the Parents and Friends Association Executive. 


2023 P&F Committee 

President - Felicity Williams

Vice President - Leisa Jones

Treasurer - Mitchell Hope

Secretary - Amanda Waters


All P&F meeting minutes will be available through the compass parent portal for your reference.  We encourage all new and existing families to get involved with the P&F committee in 2024!  The P&F provide a means to connect all parents and friends through community-based events and supports the students and the school with a number of key initiatives. 

Got an idea, thought or opinion? 

Send us an email


We have a few different events coming up over January and February that we require help from our school community with. Please keep an eye out for these on compass.


Guyra Show - Friday the 16th of Feb, Catering at the pavilion. Requires a morning and lunch time shift. If you can spare a couple of hours please contact Flick to discuss. 


AGM - Meeting date has changed to Wednesday the 28th of February at 6pm.


It would be awesome if we can get your support in supporting our local community events.