Wellbeing News

Messages from Emily Prince


Erica McWilliams, a Visiting Primary School Nurse from the Department of Education and Training, will be attending the school to conduct Prep/Foundation student health screening assessments and to see children in grades 1-6 as requested by teachers and parent/guardians (only with parental consent).


The purpose of the visit is to provide all Victorian school entry aged children with the opportunity to have a health screening assessment, to link children, families and schools to services available in the community, and to provide information and advice about children’s health and wellbeing.


Parents/guardians are invited to contact the Visiting Primary School Nurse if there are any issues they wish to discuss; Erica’s contact number is below.


Parents/guardians of students in grades 1-6, who request for their child to undertake a health screening assessmentby the Visiting Primary School Nurse, must complete a Primary School Nursing Program Student Referral Form which is available from the school office. The completed Student Referral Form must be returned to the school office for collection by the Visiting Primary School Nurse.


Details of the Visiting Primary School Nurse:

Erica McWilliams   Phone number: 0477 763 881


Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships 

This year St Agatha’s will be implement the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program across all year levels. Through this students will develop their Social and Emotional skills by understanding themselves and accepting differences in others.