Religious Education News

Messages from Rose Howell - Catholic Identity & Religious Education Leader

Next Tuesday 6th February our school will have a day of festivities as we celebrate our Catholic culture with the Feast Day of our patron saint, Saint Agatha. Year 1-6 students and staff will begin the day with Mass in the church at 9:30 am. 


We will return to classrooms to learn more about St Agatha and her legacy of courage, faith and love. A colouring competition with a $5 canteen voucher prize for each year level’s winner, a class raffle for the prize of an extra 10 mins play at recess/lunchtime, plus popcorn, movies, and icypoles for everyone should add to the fun of this important celebration.


The following week, there are more celebrations of our Catholic faith with Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Tuesday on 13th February.  More news to come about this delicious day! We will all return to Church on Wednesday 14th February for Ash Wednesday. This is a very solemn and important occasion for Catholics as we begin our 40 days preparing ourselves for Easter. 


May our students, families and staff all be blessed with courage, faith and love in this new school year ahead.