Principal's News

Courage, Faith, Love
Dear Parents and Friends of St Agatha's Primary School,
I would like to welcome all families, both our existing and new families to the beginning of the 2024 school year. We have many new families starting with us and it is good to have you all with us. I pray that you enjoy your time at St Agatha's school.
When I walked around to say hello to each class this week I was met with many emotions such as happiness, pride, nervousness, and excitment. 2024 is set to be a wonderful year and I am looking forward to sharing each moment with you all. We have so many wonderful events planned that will compliment the exciting learning the students will complete.
Here are a few photos of our Foundation students on their first day. They have settled in so beautifully on their very first day of school.
For the first two weeks all classes are completing their 'Learning to Learn' units of work. During this time, the students will be guided by their teachers to understand the whole school expectations of Respect, Responsibility and Safety. They will learn about these expectations and what they mean in all areas of the school, from walking up and down the stairs, to moving around the playground and to interacting with one another. The students will get to know the routines of their classrooms and begin to build positive relationships with their teachers. I encourage parents to speak positivily about school and what they are doing each day with encouragement. If there any problems or issues with settling in please reach out to your child's teacher in the first instance.
This year I would like to announce our new Student Wellbeing team. Emily Prince has been appointed the new Student Wellbeing leader and her team consists of Cath Backhouse (school counsellor), Rebecca Bernal (new Student Wellbeing Officer), Meegan Blackney (new Deputy Principal) and myself. Our focus this year is on student engagement and attendance. Emily will update families on resources that may be useful throughout the year. Attached is a flyer from our School Nurse. Families are welcome to make use of this terrific resource.
Next week on Tuesday we will celebrate St Agatha's Feast Day. The day will begin with a whole school Mass in our church with our new parish priest, Father Antony. Parents are welcome to attend the 9:30am Mass. The students will then enjoy some fun activities to mark the occassion in their classrooms. They will also learn about our patron saint who lived a life of faith and service to God. Our school motto 'Courage, Faith and Love' is inspired by the life Saint Agatha.
Also on Tuesday next week is Safe Internet Day. I encourage all parents to spend some time speaking with their children about how to keep safe online and what to do if they feel cyberbullied. The eSafety commissioner has excellent resources for parents. Here is a link to the webpage. The beginning of the year is also a good time to check parental controls are set up on children's devices.
Over the next few weeks we will hold Volunteer induction sessions for any parent/grandparent who would like to help out at the school for things like reading, excursions or helping in the canteen. Volunteers need to complete this induction at least every two years. Please check the calendar for dates.
Please enjoy this poem that was given to me when my first child started school many moons ago!
Michelle Bruitzman
"Chicken Soup For The Soul" by Robert Fulghum
You were six months old and full of fun,
With a blink of my eye, you were suddenly one.
There were so many things we were going to do,
But I turned by head and you turned two.
At two you were very dependent on me,
But independence took over when you turned three.
Your third birthday, another year I tried to ignore,
But when I lit the candles, there weren't three but four.
Four was the year that you really strived,
Why, look at you now, you're already five.
Now you are ready for books and for rules.
This is the year that you go to school.
The big day came, you were anxious to go,
We walked to the bus, going oh, so slow.
As you climbed aboard and waved good-bye,
I felt a lump in my throat and tears stung my eyes.
Time goes so fast,
It's hard to believe that just yesterday you were home with me.
And tomorrow when the bus brings you home and you jump to the ground,
You'll be wearing your cap and graduation gown.
So I'm holding to these moments as hard as I can,
Because the next time I look, I'll be seeing a man/woman.