

Our Foundation students have been working extremely hard to learn a variety of letters and their sounds. So far, we have learnt Ss, Aa, Tt, Ii and Pp. For this, we look at the name and sound of each letter using cued articulation, upper and lowercase letters and how to write them, a class brainstorm of things beginning with our focus letter and our Jolly Phonics songs. 

In Numeracy, students have been learning all about the numbers 0-10. We have practiced our counting skills, ordering our numbers, using tens frames and making collections.


Over the past two weeks we started our Buddy Program. The Level 6 and Foundation students were very excited to meet each other. We have spent some time completing activities in the classroom to get to know each other.




Bayswater Train Park Excursion (Wednesday 27th March)

  • Parent helpers still needed