Level 4
Level 4
What a brilliant start to our year we've had in Level 4! Our Positive Start set us up beautifully to create some goals, set our mindset and classroom expectations and get to know each other a bit better so we could slide straight into more academic learning.
During Reading lessons, we have been learning how to find our Good Fit Book, so we can start practising all of our comprehension strategies. We've recommended our favourites to our friends and figured out the difference between 'real' reading and 'fake' reading so that we can get right into learning to create summaries this week.
In Writing, we have been checking out the seven traits of 'good writing' so that we know how to improve our own pieces. We have been setting ourselves up for success by exploring different ways to plan an organised narrative and how to create that sizzling start to hook our reader into our story.
Our Maths learning has been all about numbers, from creating huge numbers up to hundreds of thousands (and beyond for some of us!), right down to tiny decimal numbers. We've been having fun with MAB blocks and many place value games.
Our Inquiry theme this term is all about Belonging, which has seen us learning all about the different cultures in our level. We have been learning about each other's celebrations and traditions and seeing where in the world everyone's families are from. You might have seen an Inquiry book come home with some questions and even a family tree as the students get to know more about their heritage.