Mission & Religious Education News

Prayer for skilled helpful adults working in schools
God of Love, thank you for every adult who notices a child’s special gift. Thank you for adults who are listeners and gentle guides. Thank you for those who expect much and love enough to demand more. Thank you for the special mentor each one of us remembers.
God of Mercy, sustain the helpful skilled adults who give everything they have. Strengthen those who assume the responsibility for so many problems beyond their control.
God of Strength, encourage staff members to care for and inspire young people. Motivate teachers to keep learning for the fun of it, and to make learning enjoyable for young people.
God of Justice, help and support teachers in their special calling, wherever they teach and whatever obstacles they face.
We pray these things in the name of our great teacher, Jesus Christ. Amen
REC Dates
The dates for meetings and cluster meetings are as follows. Details and changes to scheduled times can be noted in the eBulletin closer to the dates.
1hr Zoom cluster meetings:
16 February
20th June
7th November
Two-day REC Meeting:
12-13 September
REC Handbook Draft
The 2024 REC Handbook is almost finished! While still in draft form here, it still contains resources and information that will be useful to REC's both new and returning. We are endeavouring to have this out of draft mode before the REC cluster meetings on the 16th.
The first Cornerstones session for 2024 is coming up on 7 March OR 14 March. Please register here. This is for those CONTINUING the course from last year.
FAQs: What does that word mean?
The word liturgy comes from two Greek words meaning the work of the people. We are reminded that when we gather to worship it is the whole community that participates. It is not simply the work of the priest and altar servers with the rest of the congregation looking on.
The term Eucharist comes from the Greek eucharistia meaning thanksgiving. It was used in the early church to refer to the entire celebration as well as to the consecrated bread and wine. The mass is the greatest act of worship by which Christians give thanks for the salvation God has offered us through Jesus Christ.
Upcoming Feast Days
Tue 6 Saints Paul Miki and his Companions
Thu 8 Saint Jerome Emilian and Saint Josephine Bakhita
Sat 10 Saint Scholastica
Wed 21 Commemoration of Saint Peter Damian
Fri 23 Commemoration of Saint Polycarp
Tue 27 Commemoration of Saint Gregory of Narek