Notices and Reminders

Year 7 Parents Night, Years 7 and 10 Immunisations, Easter at St Joseph's Church, School Holiday Office Hours, ATAR Revision and Exam Preparation Programs, Teen Holiday Program, SNESA Football Club

Year 7 Parents Night

The Parent Committee are hosting a Year 7 Parents Night. It is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other Year 7 parents while students attend the Year 7 Social at the College. Please refer to the below invitation and RSVP by Wednesday, 13 March. 

Ms F Menhennett 

(Parent Committee)

Years 7 and 10 Immunisations

A letter was emailed to parents of Year 7 and 10 students on Friday, 9 February. Parents must indicate whether they consent or decline to their child being administered the vaccination via the VaccinateWA website or by completing the School-based Immunisation Program 2024 form and returning it to Student Services. 


Please note the following dates:


Year 10: Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine

  • Tuesday, 12 March: Students in Kilnacrott and Magdeburg
  • Wednesday, 13 March: Students in Premontre, Xanten and Tongerlo

Year 7: Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine and Adolescent Booster Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertussis.

  • Tuesday, 13 August: Students in Xanten and Tongerlo
  • Wednesday 14 August: Students in Magdeburg, Kilnacrott and Premontre 

Should these dates change due to any unforeseen circumstances, parents will be informed in due course.

Mrs L Kippen

(Head of House- Magdeburg)

Easter at St Joseph's Church

Holy Thursday, 28 March

  • 8pm - Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper
  • 9.15pm - Watch until Midnight
  • 11.50pm - Compline (Night Prayer)

Good Friday, 29 March

  • 9am  - Morning Prayer (Lauds)
  • 10.30am - Stations of the Cross
  • Noon - Office of Readings and Midday Prayer
  • 3pm - Solemn Liturgical Action Celebrating the Passion of the Lord

Holy Saturday, 30 March

  • 9am - Lauds
  • Noon  - Midday Prayer 
  • 5.30pm - Vespers
  • 8pm - Solemn Easter Vigil incorporating Service of Light, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of Baptism and Easter Eucharist

Easter Sunday, 31 March

  • 7.25am - Lauds
  • 8.30am - Mass of the Resurrection
  • 10am - Mass of the Resurrection
  • 5.30pm - Paschal Vespers

School Holiday Office Hours

Administration will be closed from Friday, 29 March and will reopen on Wednesday, 10 April at 8am.

Parent Committee

Our Parent Committee are a group of parents who come together to provide opportunities for fellow parents to meet one another and participate in the life of the College.


It’s not about fundraising, but what can be done to support students and bring parents together.


The Parent Committee continue to organise wonderful events, such as the Mother’s Day and Father's Day Breakfasts.


A relaxing and fun night coming up is a dinner get together for Year 7 parents on the night of the Year 7 Social on Thursday, 21 March. Details have been sent out.


There’re also informative seminars being organised for parents and we would like to have parent input and ideas about future seminars.


We extend an invitation to all parents to consider joining the Parent Committee. The next meeting is on Wednesday, 13 March.


If  interested, please email Ms Carrol Abel

ATAR Revision and Exam Preparation Programs

SNESA Football Club

Preseason is underway at SNESA Football Club ahead of the regular season kicking off on Saturday, 6 April.


We're always on the look out for anyone wanting to have a crack at Australian Rules Football. Whether you're an ex-student looking to reconnect with old classmates, someone from a regional town that's come to Perth for work or school or just someone looking for a new club or to transition from another sport, SNESA Football Club has always been a welcoming, fun and enjoyable home for many. 


We're also on the look out for Game Day umpires to umpire our reserves and league games. Earn $120 - $160 per game. 


If you're interested, please come down to Queens Park Reserve on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm and enjoy a kick of the footy and make some new mates.

Mr V Paparone 

(SNESA President)

Teen Holiday Program

Looking for a way to keep busy and stay active during the school holidays? Plus Fitness in Wattle Grove have a growing teenage membership base, including a number of St Norbert College students, and they are running a Teen Holiday Program.