Year 3/4

We have had a great start to the year in the 3/4 classes. The start right program has set the expectations and the students have thrived. We have begun the SAKG program and enjoyed some time learning about the roles that the students will have both in the kitchen and garden.
This term we are learning about the human body. We have looked at hearing and vision so far with some other fascinating learning to come including an incursion from St Johns Ambulance to learn about providing first aid.
In Maths we are learning to round large numbers up to 5-digit numbers and multiplication. The students are using some great online learning tools such as Times Tables Rock Stars and Splash Learn. The grade 4s have been a great help with assisting the grade 3s with logging on to these resources and general assistance with the Chromebooks.
The students got to see democracy in action when we elected the SRC representatives for the 3/4 cohort with the successful candidates being: Zak and Hennie from 3/4T and Ayla and Lucy from 3/4W. We are confident that they will represent our school with pride and display leadership around the school by displaying the school values of positivity, learning and safety.
With such a positive start to the year, we are excited to see the growth and development throughout the year and watching the students continue to learn and grow together.
Travis and Wiley