Year 1/2

It's hard to believe that we’re already up to week 3! The students have settled into their new classes so well. The first couple of weeks have been filled with setting up routines, looking at class/school expectations and how to be a good friend. Students have taken on these routines and expectations with ease, showing a sense of calmness in the school grounds and classrooms. To celebrate, the Year 6’s co-ordinated a whole school activities afternoon where mixed age groups worked together.
Each class has made their own connections to our school environment, going for a walk around the school’s grounds and discussing what we hear, see and feel. We have used these connections along with indigenous texts to create a class Acknowledgment of Country.
We are transitioning to a new take home reader system this year, so we would appreciate your patience as we work through this. In the meantime, we are working with students to find ‘Just Right’ texts and you can use picture story books at home for their daily reading. Remember that reading with your child can be just as important as them reading independently, to ensure they are listening to fluent readers.