

Welcome back! It's been an amazing start to the year. Well done to our students, teachers and families for the positive start to 2024.


I'd like to start this newsletter by sharing and updating my role at our school with our new and existing families. 


My name is Kirsty Slater and you can find me in the office administration building. I am the Wellbeing Leader at LPS. I have three main roles within our school- Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader, Disability Inclusion Coordinator and also overseeing and leading our School Wide Positive Behaviour, Kimochis, Respectful Relationships and Berry Street Education Model programs and wellbeing team. So what does all this mean?

A little background information...

In 2019, the Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health explored and analysed how Victoria’s mental health system can effectively prevent mental illness, and deliver treatment, care and support so all Victorians can experience optimal mental health, now and into the future. A strong theme emerging from the report was that schools represent a key location for promoting good mental health, identifying signs and symptoms for those at risk of poor mental health, and supporting external referrals to community services for those students who require extra support. 


In response to the needs, the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, the University of Melbourne and the Victorian Department of Education partnered to develop a project aimed at building the capacity of Victorian Primary Schools to support the mental health and wellbeing of their students. 


The project was piloted in 10 government schools in 2020 and expanded to a further 16 government schools in 2021. In 2022, it grew further to 100 schools. In 2023,  494 schools took part. In 2024, an additional 389 schools will join the program. By 2026 all Victorian schools will be involved.


LPS is now in it's third year of the Mental Health in Primary Schools initiative. 


In the Wellbeing role I aim to support our whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing of students, staff and families. This is achieved through the wellbeing programs and experiences we implement, building our staff capacity, helping co-ordinate referral pathways within our school as well as work with external services, provide support to families, liaise with services your child may be accessing outside of school, share opportunities for families to take part in, use evidence based tools, strategies and programs to support our students and create individual student plans when needs are identified. It is important to note that I am not a counsellor. 


Communication is a key component in any education setting and I encourage you to speak to your child's teacher or myself if you have any concerns, if major changes or events occur (such as the passing of a loved one or pet, changes to family structures, illness, etc) Being aware of these types of events can help us support both you and your child in what we do.


Our Multi-tiered Systems of Support provides information about what types of supports we access. Like a lot of things in education settings, things change and updates are being made to reflect this. The updated version will be shared on our website during term one.

Wellbeing sits at the centre of the Department of Education (DET) FISO model (Framework for Improving Student Outcomes) along with Learning. Both are important in a child's development and journey through school and life. 

Disability Inclusion Coordinator

This part of my role is to support students with additional needs, working closely with Student Support Services (DET) to meet the needs of students and identify learning difficulties, coordinating Individual Education Plans and Student Support Group meetings, supporting teachers and students on a day to day basis as well as organising and supporting Disability Profile applications and meetings. Part of this includes regular meetings with DET and Macedon Ranges Disability Agencies. 


So, I hope that provides you with some information! Please keep an eye on Compass and our newsletter for community based, online and face to face wellbeing and mental health opportunities that you can take part in. There are some coming up this term and we will share the details as soon as we receive them. Thank you 😊