Principal's Report

Welcome everyone to the 2024 school year
To say that we have had a great start to the year really is an understatement. All of the processes and procedures put in place via our School Wide Positive Behaviour and Start Right program along with consistent approaches to teaching and learning are really paying off. Our youngest students our new Preps have settled in so well slowly learning all about school life. After a couple of weeks they certainly are getting a little weary so Wednesdays off during February are hugely beneficial also enabling Nicole and Andrew the time to conduct baseline assessments and get to know parents and carers better.
School on time and pick ups
A reminder for all families that we expect students to be at school by 8.45am each day for a smooth start to the day. Staff are on duty from 8.45am not before. If you require your child/ren to be at school earlier, then you need to access the Before and After School program run by Schools Out. Please contact Schools Out directly to make any enquiries or bookings. We would appreciate you having a morning check in with your child/ren before they leave for school or are dropped off to ensure that they have a clear understanding of who will be collecting them at the end of the day, if they are catching the bus or if they are to walk home etc. This reduces the amount of phone calls we are receiving during the last hour of the day and less interruptions to classes but most importantly provides your child/ren with a plan and reduces any anxiety around not knowing what to do when the bell goes at the end of the day.
Get to Know You Interviews
We have sent several Compass reminders to you in regards to the Get To Know You interviews being held for years 1 to 6 during week 4 of term 1. You can book your appointment/s now on Compass.
1/2C,1/2J,1/2N,3/4W,5/6C,5/6J: Tuesday 20th (2.30 - 5pm) and Wednesday 21st of February (2 - 4pm).
3/4T : Wednesday 21st of February (2-4pm) and Thursday 22nd February ( 2.30-5pm).
The interviews are 10 minutes each and are an opportunity for you to share any important relevant information with your child/ren's teacher/s and a chance to chat and get to know each other. If you believe you require a longer interview for different purposes please contact your child's teacher via Compass to arrange this. Interview days are normal school days for students.
NAPLAN update
NAPLAN (National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy) for Years 3 and 5 will be conducted between the dates of 13th March and the 25th of March. There is a broad window for completing the tests to allow for schools to manage the online components of the tests and ensure we are ready technically. Further parent and carer information will be forwarded to Year 3 and 5 families closer to NAPLAN.
Year 6 Team
Year 6 team are off and running. During weekly meetings with Kirsty, the Year 6 Team are creating ways of working together protocols, lists of tasks and responsibilities and who is doing what and when. We really look forward to seeing this group of students grow in confidence and leadership throughout 2024. Our Year 6 Team and Student Council students will be heading off to the Melbourne Convention Centre on Tuesday 12th of March to attend the "Lead and Dream - Student Leadership Day". Further information about this special day out will be forwarded to parents and carers via Compass.
Kinder update
I am sure you have noticed the work taking place to prepare for the arrival of the new Lancefield Kinder. This is very exciting and it won't be long before the kinder is ready for action! The arrival of the kinder building will impact on parking along PARK STREET for at least three days however we will keep you updated with when this will be taking place.
Thank you Lancefield Bakery and customers!
A huge thank you to our wonderful Lancefield Community and visitors who frequent the Lancefield Bakery. Many of you have left small donations over the holiday period and we are pleased to let you know that these funds are enabling us to provide a special Healthy Whole School Breakfast coming up later in Term 1. A very special thanks to Dina and Sally Soper for organising this for LPS.
The last word...
I have been reading..." Leading on the Edge" by Rachael Robertson - Antarctic Expedition Leader
I have been listening to..."The Daily Stoic" Ryan Holiday podcasts
And I have been running ...a lot in this great summery weather