It's the start of a new year and we are interviewing one of the school's most active teachers… PE enthusiast Meagan!!
“ How has the start of the year been?”
Amazing! I feel really positive about 2024.
This term the focus is volleyball! The whole school is learning how to play the beloved sport, and we are hoping that our year sixes will do really well in a couple of weeks at the Volleyball tournament.
“ Meagan do you have any spoilers on the volleyball team?”
Everyone is in!! Everyone will be happy about this!
“ What is your goal?”
This year we will be organising the colour run, my goal is to raise more money this time!!
Now we had to add the personal questions…
“What is your most embarrassing moment and why?”
I was at a picnic and I saw someone that I thought was my father, I jumped on his back and it turned out it wasn’t him!
“What do you like about teaching?”
Getting to hang out with the kids, making strong relationships with them and inspiring them to be whatever they want to be.
“ What do you dislike about teaching?”
Nothing, besides from saying goodbye to the year sixes.
Well thank you Meagan for a lovely chat and best of luck for 2024.
Next we interviewed Abby and Alfie, two of our new preps!! It's the start of a new journey for our preps so we wanted to have a chat.
“How is school going?”
Yes it is going really well!
“ Do you love school?”
Yes we do!
“ What is your favourite part of school?”
Abby said, going outside and playing with my friends and Alfie said Playing in the sandpit.
“What is your favourite thing to do in class?”
Abby said, when we are sitting and listening to Nicole and Alfie said, playing with the planks.
“What do you like to play during recess and lunch?”
I normally love to play in the sandpit, Abby said,
Ohh this is a tough one… I like to play TAG.
Well, we all now know how much the preps love school. We hope they have a wonderful year.
Thanks for reading our interviews 😊
Teddy and Flynn
We are interviewing Kirsty Slater the Wellbeing leader for the newsletter. Kirsty is a kind and generous woman. We think that it was a smart idea that we interviewed Kirsty because she is the one running the year 6 newsletter page and we thought for the first person nobody would be better than Kirsty.
‘“What was the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?”
When I was in grade 6 I got to play Wilmer the Witch. And the character would fall asleep before she finished her spells and on the night of the performance my acting was so good I actually did fall asleep. Everybody was poking me and waiting... I jumped up to say my line and I got my heel caught in the stage and I fell over. Some people still say ‘hey remember when you did that really good acting Kirsty?’ It was very embarrassing at the time but now I look back on it and it was pretty funny.
“What do you like about teaching?
I like that every day I get to laugh, help, talk and listen to people. I love when somebody surprises me with what they have achieved and I can see the growth they have made but most of all I hope that I can make a difference to people.
“What do you dislike about teaching?”
The hardest thing and I think everybody probably says this about something in their lives but there’s never enough time! It just seems to go by far too fast but then it's what you do with that time that I think counts.
“What do you love about your job”
What I love about my job is that while I've been doing this role I have learnt so much, and I hope that I've been able to share the skills and knowledge with others too.
“Why did you start teaching?”
I started teaching after doing a few different things because secretly I always wanted to be a teacher but I didn't think I'd be any good at it. I did a few other things first and that helped me get my confidence and self belief. I really wanted to travel and so I started my teaching career in England and I've loved it ever since.
“ Why did you not think you were going to be a good teacher”
I guess because I didn't believe in myself and it’s such an important job to hold. I had some really good teachers (and some not so good teachers) through my own education. I guess I felt maybe I wouldn't be able to live up to the really good ones and make a difference. Luckily, I’ve had some amazing people that supported me and helped me grow.
“ What are your future goals in life?”
After spending lots of my 20s working and living overseas and seeing other parts of the world. I actually really want to start seeing more of my own country so my camper and I'm ready to take off and explore Australia any chance I get!
“How long do you want to continue in this role?”
I hope that I get to continue in this kind of well-being role because I think it's extremely important for schools to have somebody in this role that can help support students, teachers and families so I hope I've got at least another 10, maybe 15 years in me!
“Why do you think wellbeing is so important”
Wellbeing is a big part of our lives so learning about it, knowing how to manage it, knowing how to ask for help and mostly understanding our own needs is really important. In terms of learning, it’s really hard to learn if your mind is elsewhere or you are having big emotions. Being able to regulate yourself, to know how to calm yourself, know how to refocus, look after your physical health all helps you have positive relationships with others and get the most out of your experiences.
“Why do you get so excited when you find an opportunity for LPS?”
I do get so excited when I find opportunities for us to take part in! I get even more excited when I see our kids enjoying participating and being able to have an experience that perhaps they haven't had before. The other part of it is when they're still talking about it sometime after the event and the impact or impression that the experience had on them, how it changed their thinking or helped them form dreams is pretty awesome. I’m really glad that last years experiences from the Arts Center were so enjoyed and our I am Mindful sessions. I can't wait for this year!
We are looking forward to new and exciting experiences we'll have this year and LPS and we are very grateful for those we've had. We hope you have a great year,
Evie and Ellie 😁😎