Student Writing

Congratulations to Harper who last year, independently entered The Literature Centre’s  “Healthy Poem” competition. She decided to research and record the information she found, completely unassisted. Using her research she created her poem entitled “The Lonely Mystery”. Harper's poem was chosen as one of the 3 winners! 


The Lonely Mystery by Harper from Peakhurst Public School

Sad and alone, I’m the last thing to see,

Always left on the plate, nobody to eat me.

Look through my rough surface and into my soul,

I’ll help your heart and cholesterol.

Take a taste and I promise that you’ll agree,

Your weak brittle bones will become mighty.

Oranges aren’t the only source of vitamin C,

They’re no match for my prevention of disease.

I’m loaded with fibre which helps you digest,

One cup of me, keeps the doctors at rest.

This healthy vegetable is no longer a mystery,

Yes, I am a super green, I am broccoli!