Principal's message

Welcome back

It was so lovely to see all our students returning after the summer holiday and to see our students from Years 1 to 6 connect with their friends and settle into their new classes. Kindergarten started on Monday and are already forming new friendships and becoming familiar with class and school routines. Their Year 6 Buddies are particularly excited to be spending lunch and recess with them. Our Support Class kindergarten students are beginning their transition to school, again with wonderful Year 6 Buddies. 


A special welcome to the new families to Peakhurst PS, we hope you and your family feel part of our community and we look forward to getting to know you better as the year progresses.



Parent Information Evening

We will be holding our Parent Information Evenings in Week 4. It's a great opportunity to hear about the Curriculum and particular events/activities/routines for your children in 2024. Most Parent Information Evenings will be held here at school in the Gumbuya Centre, which is in our main building on Bonds Rd, on the ground floor. 

Early Stage 1: Monday 19th February at 5pm

Stage 1: Monday 19th February at 6pm

Stage 2: Tuesday 20th February at 5pm

Stage 3: Tuesday 20th February at 6pm. Followed by 6.45pm High School 2025 Transition for Year 6 parents.

Support Unit: Wednesday 21st February at 5pm in Platinum classroom



Sports Captains for 2024

Today the 3-6 students voted for the House Captains and Vice Captains. Please see the Sports News section for more details. Well done to the new leadership teams!



Term 1 Invoices

The Term 1 invoices have been emailed out this week and are payable via School Bytes. We will be holding our textbook distribution day on Monday 19th February.

If anyone is experiencing financial hardship and require some assistance, please make an appointment to see me. This appointment needs to be made each term. The Department of Education allocated money to each school to help with the cost of education for the families that need it.



P & C Meeting

The first P & C meeting will be held on Monday 4th March at 7pm in the Gumbuya Centre. 

The P & C are a wonderful, approachable group of parents who work alongside the school. The P & C raise funds for facilities and equipment, are responsible for uniform choices and the meetings are a great place to hear about what's happening in the school. All our new families are warmly invited to join us.


Mrs Wilson

Acting Principal