Order and progress

Barbara Moss
Year 7 Level Coordinator
We are pleased to report that our Year 7 cohort have started their career at BSC on a really positive note.
Settling into a new environment is a challenge, but the students have made a fabulous start. Finding classrooms, remembering sports uniforms, being on time to classes, getting to know their new peers, having different teachers for different subjects, remembering locker combinations - these are just a few of the big changes they have faced beginning high school. It takes time to 'mind-map' their new learning environment, and our students can be very proud of their efforts so far.
As part of managing transition to high school, staff have included a focus on helping our newest community members to be organised for their classes. Having the right resources and tools for each class they attend is so important - as it means that the student has everything that they need for them to make the most of their lessons, and to not get flustered or upset because a material is not at hand.
Generally, students are arriving at their classes well prepared and bringing the appropriate materials with them. Utilising their colour-coded zip folders helps students to keep relevant text books, stationery, tools and notes altogether - so that they can ensure they have the right materials. This in turn helps them to manage their time, and alleviates any potential anxiety around the issue. It is easy for students to identify resources in their lockers, and it helps them keep their storage lockers tidy.
To support and encourage these basic organisation skills, a Locker Check is undertaken each term and staff are pleased to report that the cohort passed their first test with flying colours! Most students have taken the initiative to keep a copy of their timetable on their locker door for reference, and organising their lockers to make sure that they can access their resources as easily as possible. Most importantly, they are diligent in using a lock to keep their possessions secure.
Note: Parents and carers are reminded, that items lost, stolen or damaged on school premises are not replaced by the school or covered under school insurance. Parents and carers are encouraged to check their insurance arrangements regarding such losses at school.