Message from the Principal

Welcome to 2024
We have enjoyed a really positive start to the year and it is pleasing to hear at a recent Network meeting, that other schools are experiencing the same.
The beginning of the year is always busy, with new students and families joining our community, senior students adjusting to the rigours of VCE study, sports programs and camps getting underway, while everyone is finding their rhythm and settling into the new school year.
Class of 2023
A measure of VCE success (that unfortunately does not get as much attention in the media as the release of ATAR results) is the range of pathways our graduates are taking in 2024.
We are delighted that so many students in our 2023 cohort obtained their first or very high preference, for tertiary study. Our students have gained places in a wide range of courses, including
- Associate Degree of Aviation (Professional Pilots) - RMIT
- Bachelor of Science - University of Melbourne
- Diploma of Health Science - Swinburne University of Technology
- Bachelor of Business Professional Practice - RMIT
- Bachelor of Arts - University of Melbourne
- Bachelor of Social Work/Psychology (Social science) - RMIT
- Bachelor of Laws - Victoria University
- Advanced Diploma of Engineering (Civil Engineering Design) - RMIT
- Bachelor of Design (Interior Architecture) - Swinburne University of Technology
- Bachelor of Criminology and Psychology - RMIT
We wish the Class of 2023 every success as they undertake gap years, employment or further study.
School Captains
Our 2024 School Captains, Harry Lalor and Tameka Brown, have had a busy start to the year, leading SRC discussions which have already come up with some great ideas and initiatives.
Harry and Tameka also model a positive tone for all Year 12 students to work together productively in the common room this year. Thanks to donations from Simone Lipiarski (Teacher - English), the common room has been enhanced with a range of pot plants, a new fridge and toaster.
School Council & Parents Association
Two important and highly valued entities within our community are the School Council and the Parents' Association. I enjoy working closely with these groups in order to maintain and improve the excellent standard of education here at BSC, and I encourage
School Council
School Council meets twice per term to oversee the good governance of our school. The school is represented on council by the Principal and Assistant Principals, along with a number of parents, community members, student representatives and School Captains working together. Nominations for seats on the BSC School Council were called for in February, via Compass Newsfeed; the nomination period is now closed. The members of the 2024/025 School Council will be announced in the next Brunswick Star.
Parents' Association
The Parents' Association meets less often, and is a less formal, but very meaningful, way to support the school. Members choose what activities they wish to be involved in, and can dictate the amount of time they have available for activities. All members can contribute and discuss ideas, and initiate their own projects as well.
The PA actively supports much needed wellbeing programs such as the Breakfast Club, provides Second-hand Uniform services, facilitates good parent social networks, connects with our Student Representative Council to promote student initiatives, and even reaches beyond the school gate to find support from our wonderful local business community. The PA also provides an avenue for connecting with other parents and is vital for building our community, providing a place of belonging for all.
We all lead busy lives, so sharing any of these activities makes it easier for everyone, and supporting the school is actively supporting for your child's education. If you would like to be involved in Parents' Association, please contact Assistant Principal, Sally Goss to come on board - all are welcome.
Bike Storage
It is great to see so many students using their bikes to get to school, and all but one of our bike storage spaces are being fully utilised. The covered bike shed is always at capacity, so plans are underway to install more bike racks near the Fallon Street entrance in order to meet the demand.
Fallon Street School Crossing
Late last year the college was advised that the council intended to remove the Fallon Street School crossing which services our school community. This motion was being voted on at this most recent Merri-bek City Council meeting, so Shahab Kasmai (School Council president) and I attended the meeting in order to represent the school community concerns about this issue. Following our representation, the council voted unanimously to retain the crossing facility for the use of our students, and we extend our thanks to all Merri-bek councillors.
School Activities
There has been little delay before the start of the many activities at the school. Five weeks in and we have already had excursions to the Holocaust Museum, Outdoor Education Camps, School Tours and Production auditions! The co-curricular program is due to launch soon, too!
School Tours
The School Tours schedule for prospective families is almost completed.
The college is trialling a new way of conducting tours this year, with most of our tours being dedicated to our larger feeder primary schools.
With this new model we are conducting less sessions but are catering for larger groups on each tour day. For example, five tour groups attended on Tuesday 27 February made up of families from Brunswick North Primary School.