
Project Stationery

We have a collection of stationery items that will be donated to Project Stationery. They will take new and used eg. partially used exercise books (just rip off used pages). 

You can drop them off in Alphington on Wednesday and Sundays - for more information"


Recycle Right

End of year recycling - we have our recycling station set up outside the staffroom. Thanks to Ms Smith for previously housing them in the art room.

Remember the first R is to REDUCE, so let's try to reduce our use!

Sustainability Events & Resources

3 Ways to be waste-wise this Christmas


Choose reusable dinnerware

If you’re entertaining this year, and you don’t have enough crockery, consider buying second-hand plates and bowls or even renting them – instead of purchasing plastic or paper ones. Borrow items from a Kitchen Library, Party Kit Network or your local Good Karma/Buy Nothing Group (Check Facebook).


Avoid food waste by planning ahead

During the festive period, it’s easy to buy too much of everything and end up with a lot of waste. The best way to reduce food waste is to avoid creating it in the first place. This involves planning your shop, shopping mindfully and storing food correctly to reduce waste and save money.

If you think there will be a lot of leftovers, ask guests to bring their own containers for taking food home. This will avoid the need to use throwaway containers or plastic wrap.


Gift sustainably

Choosing sustainable gifts can be a challenge. This is because many different aspects of an item need to be considered when assessing its sustainability, including what it’s made from to how it’s packaged and transported – to name just a few.

Sustainability Victoria suggests that if you are purchasing a product, to ask yourself five key questions when considering a gift for someone in order to make as sustainable a purchase as possible. But one way to avoid having to navigate this problem is by buying an experience for someone instead, such as a cooking class – or by making a charitable donation on their behalf.

Source: Port Phillip Council