Important Notices

Dad's & Carer's Camp - Early collection times
Early Collection times : 10:40am or 1:05pm
We know that many dads and carers are keen to pick your children up early from school on Friday to beat the traffic and get the equipment and tents in place. Should you choose to do this, we ask if you could collect your child at either 10:40am or 1:05pm. These times are aligned with the scheduled break times and would eliminate disruption to classes and the learning of other children.
A reminder that Dads Camp is not a school event and no staff are involved in the organisation or running of the camp. Supervision and liability for the camp is entirely up to the parents attending.
Lost Property
As we approach the end of term, our lost property racks are overflowing with hundreds of items of clothing. If your child has lost any belongings, please take a moment to check the racks before the end of term, located just inside the door leading from the quadrangle to our Year 3/4 classrooms.
Any items left unclaimed will be donated to charity.
Thank you for your support in helping us clear the lost property.
Dress code reminders
As we get into the last few weeks of the year with warmer weather and the festive season approaching, we have noticed a few students wearing items that go against our dress code.
Whilst we do not have a school uniform, for safety reasons, we need to insist that all students;
- Do not wear dangly earrings (even if they are cute and festive-themed)as these can easily get caught. Students with pierced ears must only wear stud earrings.
- Wear sturdy, appropriate footwear with closed toes and backs. Crocs may be comfortable but are not school-appropriate.
- Ensure that shoulders are covered at all times - strappy tops or singlets do not provide the sun protection required when playing outside.
- Ensure that any hair that reaches the shoulders is tied back when at school. We don't want any families to get the gift of headlice this Christmas.
TeamKids Summer Program
Team Kids have another action-packed Summer Holiday Program lined up!
Ready to DISCOVER the TeamKids difference?
- Learn new skills and make new friends
- Qualified and REMARKABLE Educators
- Digital detox with our no screens policy
- Delicious and nutritious morning and afternoon snacks
- CCS-approved care
Head to to check out St Kilda Park Primary School's program + secure your spot today!
Christmas candy canes
With Christmas fast approaching, many students are kindly sharing cards with their classmates and these are often accompanied by a sugary candy cane as a gift.
When these are handed out in the yard before school begins, children naturally want to open them and eat them immediately. Not only is this a dentist's worst nightmare, but it also takes away a parent's ability to choose and monitor what their child is eating during the day and goes against our rules around sharing of food at school.
Without wanting to appear grinch-like, we are asking students to hand out and share their cards and candy canes at the very end of each day so they can be put into bags and brought home to allow parents to make decisions about if and when the sugary canes are consumed.
Teachers will support and monitor this taking place. We thank you for your support and understanding on this matter.
End of year arrangements
Our final day of the year for students will be Thursday 19th December at 3:30pm.
On this day we will hold an assembly at 9am for musical performances and end of year presentations to our Year 6 students.
There will also be a final assembly at 3:15pm for our graduating students to sing a final farewell! Students will be dismissed from the quadrangle at the end of this assembly.
Team Kids will be available for supervision of your child on Friday 20th November if required. Please book a place at Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) in Australia | TeamKids
It is now time for all library books to be returned to school. Please search your homes and ensure books are back as soon as possible. Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
New guitar teacher- beginning 2025
We have been lucky enough to have Taylor Macleod provide on-site guitar lessons for our students this year. Taylor has advised us that he will be moving on next month and we wish him all the best in future.
We are delighted to announce a new guitar teacher will begin at SKIPPS in Term 1, 2025. Jordan Donald will be available to provide private guitar lessons in the SKIPPS Drum Room from 9am on Tuesdays.
If you would like to arrange a guitar lesson for your child, please call Jordan on 0435 825 101 or email for further information.
On-site lessons for piano, drums and violin are also available (fees apply)- please see the Community News section for more information.
School Saving Bonus - Update
The Victorian Government is delivering the School Saving Bonus – a one-off $400 support for government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025.
This week you will receive an email from the Department of Education with your unique $400 School Saving Bonus code. many families have already received this.
If you have multiple children enrolled in Victorian government schools for 2025, you will receive one School Saving Bonus code email per child. These emails might arrive on different days. Please make sure to check your spam/junk email folder.
A step-by-step user guide will be available on the webpage on 26 November.
If you have not received your School Saving Bonus code via email by Friday 29 November, please contact the Department of Education by emailing
It is clear that, due to the sudden nature of the School Saving Bonus announcement by the State Government, the guidelines for exactly what families can use this bonus for, and how they can do this, are still being developed and clarified by the Education Department.
For this reason, our very strong advice to SKiPPS families is to hold off on allocating any of the bonus funds at this point via the portal. Instead we recommend sitting tight for now and waiting until clearer guidance and instructions are provided at the start of 2025.
Doing this will not affect your access to the funds - the $400 will simply sit in the portal ready to be spent next year when we can provide you with a clearer picture of how you can best allocate funds to pay for 2025 school camps, swimming, excursions or parent payments.
A Champion Gymnast
We were so proud and impressed this week to learn that Rita L (3/4E) participated in Victorian Multiples Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship.
Despite the challenging year with transition to a New Rythmic Gymnastics Club in the middle of the year and learning new routines right before the competition started, Rita received a well deserved Bronze medal at the State competition.
We are extremely excited and proud of her achievement! Well done Rita!