
Year 10 Mass
On Tuesday, Fra Oscar celebrated Mass for our Year 10 cohort. Fra Oscar shared a personal story about his father. His message was – whatever decisions we make as teenagers, there will always be consequences. He also impressed on the students that our parents love us, and want the best for us, even if we do not see it at the time.
Our Altar Servers were also blessed and given Altar Servers’ badges. Congratulations to Brendan Carrabba, John Chatzimichail and Royce Williams.
Thank you to our Old Boy pianist Anders Phan (’21), Mr Miskiewicz (HOY) and Brennan’s PCG for providing all the students with roles, and for doing such a wonderful job during this Mass. He also helped as an Extraordinary Minister. It is such a blessing to have such faith filled staff at Trinity.
TC can only be a community with the incredible support of our parents and extended family and friends. Thank you for attending and supporting your son. God bless and hopefully I will see many of you at our Friday 8:00am Community Mass.
Friday 8.00am Community Mass
Friday 8:00am Mass was hosted by 9.5 and 9.6 today. Thank you to all who attended and assisted at this Mass. A special thank you to Mr Oddie (HOY), and Ms Coleman’s and Mr Hayes’s PCGs.
Today, we dedicated the Mass to all our loved ones who have passed away. Lighting a candle is a symbol of Christ’s light. For your information, the month of November is traditionally a time in which the Catholic community remembers those who have died. It is related to the fact that the end of November is the end of the Liturgical Year with a new year starting the First Sunday of Advent – the four-week period of preparation before Christmas.
Year 9 Retreat
A friendly reminder that on Wednesday the 13th and Thursday 14th November (Week 6), all Year 9 students will be attending their retreat. This year, the Youth Mission Team (YMT) will lead the retreat, and the students will be accompanied by their PCG teachers.
- Wednesday 13 November: PCG’s 1-4
- Thursday 14 November: PCG’s 5-8
Parents/carers, please ensure that you have read and completed all medical and dietary details in the Consent2Go emailed on last Thursday. Students must bring their own morning tea and lunch. There are no canteen facilities.
I sincerely appreciate your support in enriching your son’s faith journey at the College.
Cadre Retreat
On Friday 15th November, 23 Cadre leaders will accompany Mr. Bernard Le Tessier, Mr. Anthony Byrne and Mrs. Rosa West to St Jospeh’s for their one-day training day in preparation for the Year 8 Quest Retreat. These are incoming Year 12 students who then train the 65 Year 11 Peer Ministers. Fra Oscar will also pop in to visit after the Junior School Mass. Campus Ministry will provide morning tea and lunch.
Parents/carers, thank you for entrusting your sons in our care, and please don’t forget to complete the Consent2Go.
Rosa West
Director of Campus Ministry