
PSA Code of Conduct
Walking around the various playing venues on Fridays or Saturdays is always a delight, seeing the multitude of parents, families, spectators, and students gathered to watch and cheer on the Trinity teams. The spirit shown are admired by many of the PSA schools and offer incredible support to the students as they proudly represent Trinity College in the blue and green. While we encourage a strong turnout of spectators each week to bolster the students, it's crucial to emphasise that this support should always be in good spirit, with the well-being of the students, staff, and coaches as the top priority.
As we are now three weeks into the 2024/25 Summer season, it is a timely reminder for all families to adhere to the PSA Code of Conduct. This code outlines essential guidelines for maintaining the standard of behaviour expected within the Trinity community. You can find the PSA Code of Conduct on the PSA website - PSA Code of Conduct
Let's all continue to support our students in the right manner during every sporting event, regardless of year group, level, or sport.
Thank you for your continued support of the Trinity Sporting Program.
Ryan Lockyer
Director of Sport