Twilight Sports

What a day! Well done to all the children that took part and all the staff that made Twilight Sports run so smoothly and successful. It was a great day with all the children competing in a range of activities showing their sporting ability and especially their team work skills. We were especially impressed with the Y6 Sports Captains and the other Y6 students who helped out on the day.
The results of the day are:
1st = Mackillop with 304 points
2nd = Mannix with 293 points
3rd = Chisholm with 282 points
4th = Goold with 196 points
On the 29th of November, our sport teacher and leaders hosted a Twilight Sports Day. Everyone had so much fun, and in the end Mackillop (yellow) won, with Mannix (red), Chisholm (blue) and Goold (green) following close behind. Our sports day was a success. Everything ran smoothly including the ball games, relay, and sprints. We had trouble though, with gathering all the students from the younger year levels as some didn’t listen when we called for them. Other than that, everyone enjoyed the day and were extremely proud of their achievements.
By Miranda
Basketball Shooting system
Does anyone have a stand alone Basketball Shooting ring and backboard they are not using anymore? Due to the renovations our Basketballers do not have anywhere to practice their shooting skills. If you were looking at throwing yours away please think about donating it to us!!