From the Principal's Desk

ADVENT has started.
It's a time for Christ, Change and Celebrations and
to show: GEM (Gratefulness, Empathy and Mindfulness)
As 2024 concludes, there may be feelings of uncertainty as we anticipate the changes we know are to come. Change is an exciting, necessary and challenging part of life. At Resurrection School, we are committed to nurturing and supporting those who experience uncertainty or anxiety during times of change, including changing classes or schools.
It has been my privilege to work with members of our school community who will leave us at the end of the 2024 school year- staff, students and families. I would like to thank them for all that they have contributed to Resurrection School and wish them well in the future.
We farewell and thank staff who are leaving us: Caroline Fashcah (Year 5 teacher) and Calvin Mujie (Year 6 teacher).
We would like to thank those people who have helped in many ways throughout the school, including: Fr Brian, the members of the School Advisory Council, under the leadership of Di Rodrigo; the Fundraising Team led by Leanne De Zilva, Michelle Lehner and Katerina Dalianis who we thank for their initiatives; all of the wonderful Farm 2 Table helpers who provided some memorable opportunities for our community while sharing a meal; Jack Zhao and Yvonne for developing and maintaining the school. We are blessed to have people who are willing to help us build our school community; our students, staff and families benefit because of you. Thank you all so much.
At this time of year we experience mixed emotions - joy and anticipation as Christmas and holidays approach and sadness as we conclude another year and farewell those who are leaving.
We thank all families for entrusting us with their child/ren’s learning, faith enrichment and wellbeing this year.
Jane Dunstone
In consideration of student numbers, student needs (learning and well-being) and, following consultation with staff via the Consultative Committee, in 2025 the class groupings will be: three Prep classes, three Year 1 classes, three Year 2 classes, three Year 3 classes, three Year 4 classes, two Year 5 classes and three Year 6 classes. Some classroom locations will change to accommodate the class groupings.
The name of your child's class teacher/s for 2025 will be included in an email as well as details regarding the Assessment Days on Wednesday, January 29th and Thursday, January 30th, 2025.
Name | Position/s |
Jane Dunstone | Principal |
Danielle Rowley | Deputy Principal and Student Wellbeing Leader |
Kristine Koutroumanis | Learning & Teaching Leader/ Learning Diversity Leader |
Donna Kirk | Religious Education Leader, Learning Support & Year 3RB (M) |
Maria Hartono | Administration |
Mandy McLean | Administration |
Crystal Cornell | Prep C |
Deandra Gay | Prep G |
Natalie Rogers | Prep R |
Merryn Morrissey | Year 1MM |
Francine Jorgensen | Year 1FJ |
Gabrielle Mellan | Year 1MC (M-Th) |
Emma Clausen | Year 1MC (F) |
Luda Zhang | Year 2ZC (M-W) |
Suzette Callander-Brown | Year 2ZC (Th-F) |
Shelley Hall | Year 2SH |
Cathy Gibbins | Year 2GC (M-Th) |
Julie Curtin | Year 2GC (F) |
Rose Brusco | Year 3RB (T-Fr) |
Sue McKenzie | Year 3SM |
Louise Buckley | Year 3DB (M) |
Renata Dal Sasso | Year 3DB (T-Fr) |
Sarah Fields | Year 4FS (W-Fr) |
Emma Sofra | Year 4FS (M-T) |
Laura Armour | Year 4LA |
Grace O’Connell | Year 4OB (M-W) |
Dagna Baldy | Year 4OB (Th-F) |
Catherine Brady | Year 5BR |
Carmel Barwick | Year 5CB |
Asha Hinton | Year 6AH |
Sam Timuska-Carr | Year 6ST |
Breanna Neighbour | Year 6BN (M-Th) |
Kristine Koutroumanis | Year 6BN (F) |
Sarah Edwards | Physical Education/Health |
Breanna Neighbour | Physical Education/Health |
Evelyn Balaban | LOTE (Italian) |
Melanie Dobra | Performing Arts / Music |
Carla Renaud | Visual Arts (3 days) |
Louise Buckley | Visual Arts (2 days) |
Trish Magree | Positive Education teacher |
Dianne Banks | Learning Support Officer |
Judith Burgess | Learning Support Officer |
Lauren Jones | Learning Support Officer |
Luisa Frau | Learning Support Officer |
Caroline Murray | Learning Support Officer |
Fran Nawarathna | Learning Support Officer |
Katherine Ng | Learning Support Officer |
Kim Kelly | Learning Support Officer |
Rochelle Perera | Learning Support Officer |
Bernadette Young | Learning Support Officer |
Sue Hughes | Learning Support Officer |
Diana Fowler | Library Technician |
Robyn Innes | Canteen Manager |
Mary Sullivan | Canteen Assistant |
Jack Zhao | Maintenance |
Virginia Simmons | CAMP Australia (OSHC) Manager |
All students, Prep - Year 6, will undertake Literacy and Maths assessments on Wednesday, January 29th and Thursday, January 30th 2025. Each student will have a specified appointment time on one of these days. Sibling times will be coordinated. School will commence on Friday, January 31st full-time for Years 1 - 6 students and Prep students will attend 8.45am. until 1.00pm. |
Student Progress Reports for Semester 2 will be published to the Compass Parent Portal at 4.00pm on Friday, 13th December. Please log in to access your child’s Progress Report. |
All the best,
Jane Dunstone