From the office

Photographing, Filming and Recording Students at Macedon Primary School
We are sending home new forms regarding the photographing, filming and recording students at school. This is inline with the schools policy
We ask all families to return the form for each child, if you do not return the form to school, we will assume that you do not consent to the use of photos and your child's photos will no longer be published in the newsletter.
Office Hours
Until further notice, the office hours will be 8:30am - 4:00pm. If you have any queries outside of these hours, please email and we will respond to your request as soon as we can.
All students must wear hats outside. If students do not have a hat while outside at recess or lunch, they will be directed to the rotunda to play. Any navy, wide brimmed hat will suffice, Beleza sell Macedon Primary branded hats. Thank you for your co-operation with this.
Medication at school
If your child requires medication at school (even over the counter medication) it needs to be held at the office and a medication authority needs to be filled out. Children are not to have medication in their bags to self-administer.
Spare clothing
Please pack some spare clothing for your child/ren. We have a limited amount of clothing in sick bay and cannot always give children spare clothing. If you child is excessively wet and muddy you will be contacted and asked to bring in a change of clothes.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office on 54261518 or email
Julie, Emma (Mon, Tues, Wed) & Salina (Wed, Thur, Fri)