STEM Update

CSI Macedon - The Case of Sally Scarecrow
This term in STEM the grade 5/6 students have been exploring Forensic science. They have been investigating different techniques such as fingerprinting, chromatography and handwriting analysis that are used by forensic scientists to solve crimes.
Last week the students began to investigate the case of Sally Scarecrow who was found in the Science room. It appears Sally died of a fatal case of hiccups. The students are using their forensic knowledge to determine what caused Sally’s hiccups and who is responsible.
Discovering Dinosaurs
The grade 1/2 students have been busy this term learning about dinosaurs. They have been investigating the features of dinosaurs and learning about how they lived.
This week they have been making models of a chosen dinosaur showing the features of the dinosaur and explaining how their dinosaur protected itself against predators.
Next week the students will have the opportunity to examine fossils from the time of the dinosaurs and learn how fossils are made and how they help scientists to learn about prehistoric animals.