Sport News

Active School Lunchtime Sports Programs - Term 4
We have had a busy 2024 working towards a whole school approach to physical activity. We started off by setting our Active Schools priority area once again and worked together with leadership to ensure our project was delivered by the end of this year.
The core purpose of the Department of Education’s Active Schools Framework was the promotion of physical activity for all students at every opportunity through a whole school and community approach.
The priority area for the Active Schools Framework that Lyndale Secondary College targeted in 2024 was Active Travel.
Active travel gets children moving every day. Active travel involves walking, cycling, scooting or other active ways of getting to or from school, for the whole journey or as part of the journey along with other travel modes, such as public transport.
This year we line marked our asphalt driveway with bike line-markings simulating Vic Road conditions, added approximately 300m of a crushed rock pathway and upgraded our long jump path.
We maintained our ‘Tag On’ system that rewards students for using active transport as a mode of travel to school. The kiosks where students can record their active travel is in the stadium foyer and next to the library in the foyer. PE Teachers will continue informing students how to go about this process at the start of 2025.
To learn more about ‘Tag On’ and how it works please visit
We were also asked by ACHPER (Australian Council of Health Physical Education and Recreation) to create an Impact Video of the Active Travel Project we have embarked on since 2022. We are now waiting for our impact story to be edited and ticked off for publication.
Lunchtime activities
Our extracurricular school lunchtime activities throughout the year continued to be a huge hit. We had Strength and Conditioning, Basketball with Coach AJ, Soccer and Futsal with Coach Nick and Athletics Training with Coach Angela.
Thank you to all the students who have participated in Term 4.
We are looking to continue with the extra-curricular sessions in 2025 and have received funding once again for extra-curricular programs and a PE boost for equipment.
Have a great break and remember to stay ACTIVE.
Mr Theo Petkaris – Head of Health and Physical Education
Sports News
This year has been a remarkable one for Lyndale, particularly for our interschool sports and sport carnival programs. Throughout term 4, our regional athletics team competed at the Casey Regional Athletics Centre, demonstrating their talent at a high level. Additionally, our Intermediate Girls team, both Year 7 basketball teams, and the Intermediate Boys' hockey team represented Lyndale at regionals. All of our teams gave it their ALL, versing top opponents and highlighting their skillset. They all demonstrated our schools’ values of Respect, Resilience and Responsibly during such tough competition. Well done to all of teams and staff members involved in making this happen for our teams.
Lyndale has seen a significant increase in student participation this year compared to last year, this is attributed to the growing enthusiasm for competitive sports. Congratulations to all the teams that advanced to regional competitions. While these events present a higher level of challenge, they also demonstrate the power of hard work, commitment to training, and resilience. With these qualities, students can achieve incredible things.
Participating in sports and carnivals provides students with opportunities to excel in the sports they love, refine their skills, build new friendships, and experience healthy competition.
A special thank you to all the staff and students who contributed to our sports and carnivals this year. Your dedication and effort are greatly appreciated and recognized.
That’s a wrap for 2024, but 2025 is around the corner!
Have a lovely Christmas break everyone.
Best wishes,
Jane Engellenner
Lyndale’s Sports Coordinator