Junior School News

As I reflect on the last Semester of learning in the Junior School, I am full of pride on what the students have been able to achieve both within and outside of the classroom. It has been fantastic to conduct my daily learning walks and see our students so immersed in their learning, whilst demonstrating the College values of respect, responsibility and resilience when working or communicating with one another. As a result, I’m sure a vast majority of families will get to open their child’s reports to see significant growth in their learning throughout the Semester.
In addition to the learning taking place at Lyndale, our students have also had the opportunity to participate in a number of learning experiences outside of the classroom, as well as celebrate the success of 2024 with their peers. Please see below for a review by year level coordinators on all the enjoyable experiences students have had this term.
Year 9 students had a busy and action-packed last week of school activities! On Tuesday 3rd December, Year 9 students visited Deakin University in Burwood. Here they learnt about the important skills of listening and communicating. They were then split into smaller groups and were required to sit and meet a ‘stranger’ (organised by Deakin) to interview the person and put into practice their communicating and listening skills. Our students did very well and one of the ‘stranger volunteers’ mentioned that our students had been the best that they had encountered.
On Thursday 5th December, over 100 Year 9 students had a fun filled day at Gumbuya World. The sunny weather was perfect for a day on the water slides, enjoying the rides and generally hanging out with friends. It was a great way to celebrate the year together.
Finally on Friday 6th December, we held our presentation assembly, where many year 9 students received awards for academic achievement, excellence in performance and attitude, as well as 100% attendance. We also thanked our junior school captains, Kaya Miskulin, Pav Piratheepan, Emily Nguyen, Haania Haydari. The day finished with a BBQ, games and students learning a few dances such as the ‘Nutbush’ and the ‘Bus Stop’.
A big thank you to Mrs Kempinger, who is moving to another school to take on the role of Assistant Principal and her commitment to the junior school over many years. Also, a big thank you to Ms. Megroz, who has been this year levels co-ordinator for 2 years, will be leaving for at least 12 months to teach overseas.
We wish all year 9 students and their families an enjoyable summer break.
Mr. Nettleingham and Ms. Megroz
Year 9 Coordinators 2024
Transitions Forum
On Tuesday 26th November Lyndale attended the Secondary Schools Transition Forum at Springvale Town Hall. The Forum is designed to support Grade 6 students in the City of Greater Dandenong as they transition into Year 7 in 2025. The Forum focused on building confidence, addressing concerns and helping students make friends with others who will be attending their new school.
Two Student Leaders from Lyndale attended, Sam Yang and Ashmitha John and they did a fantastic job of representing our school and working with the Grade 6 students. They answered any questions that the students had about high school and undertook team bonding activities with the students. They also facilitated a 25 min workshop about what new students need to know about starting at Lyndale in 2025. Well done to Sam and Ashmitha, they did Lyndale proud!
On the 5th of December the Year 7 Cohort Celebrated the year that was at Gravity Zone; laser tag and trampoline park. It was a great afternoon full of fun and even the teachers who came showed off their skills!
Thanks to the following staff; Mr Neilsen, Ms Cassell, Ms Carmichael, Ms Engellenner and Stefan Jaroz-Setiawan for assisting on the day, the students appreciate it so much!
Ms Maxwell and Ms Hawkes would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate year 7's for completing their first year of Highschool, facing challenges and achieving their goals in the classroom and out.
We hope the year 7's take the Holidays to refresh ready for another successful year at Lyndale.
Remembrance Day
On the 11th of November, at 11am, we were fortunate to represent the College in our roles as Junior School Captain on Remembrance Day. We attended the Pillars of Freedom in Dandenong to commemorate fallen soldiers by placing a wreath. There, we were reminded of the importance of remembering the wars Australians had fought in previously to give us the freedoms we have today.
A poem called “The Inquisitive Mind of a Child” informed us on what the symbol of the poppy stood for with red representing the blood of soldiers who fought with the black centre representing grief of soldiers who never returned to their families.
By placing the wreath at the base of the pillar, we at Lyndale Secondary College remember the soldiers who fought for our liberation and their eternal devotion to our country. Lest we forget.
Emily, Kaya, Haania and Pav.
Well done to our Junior School captains Kaya, Haania, Emily and Pav. You have upheld the College values to a very high standard when representing our Junior School and have been positive role models at all times for your peers. Thank you for the work you have done to support student voice and agency throughout the year.
I would also like to take this opportunity to wish all our Year 9 students the very best with moving into the Senior School for 2024. I’m sure I speak on behalf of many in staff and families in the Lyndale community when I say how pleasing it is to see your growth the past 3 years not only as learners, but as respectful young people within our community. Whilst it is always pleasing to see strong academic results in the classroom, what impressed me most walking around Gumbuya World at your end of year celebration, was the way you interact, respect and support one another as a whole year level, which has looked to create a special bond. No doubt the strong values and work ethic you have developed will hold you in good stead in taking on new challenges as you move into the senior school.
I trust that the upcoming holiday period will provide all students with many moments to make positive memories with family and friends. Enjoy the break, stay safe and we look forward to all our students continuing to reach great heights in 2025 at Lyndale Secondary College.
Kind Regards,
Luke Wilson.
On the 5th of December the Year 7 Cohort Celebrated the year that was at Gravity Zone; laser tag and trampoline park. It was a great afternoon full of fun and even the teachers who came showed off their skills!Thanks to the following staff; Mr Neilsen, Ms Cassell, Ms Carmichael, Ms Engellenner and Stefan Jaroz-Setiawan for assisting on the day, the students appreciate it so much!Ms Maxwell and Ms Hawkes would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate year 7's for completing their first year of Highschool, facing challenges and achieving their goals in the classroom and out. We hope the year 7's take the Holidays to refresh ready for another successful year at Lyndale.